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Main article: Faction Champions
Image of Ruj'kah
Title <Hunter>
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Class Hunter
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Location Trial of the Crusader
Status Killable

Ruj'kah is a Horde hunter and is one of the possible opponents for Alliance in the Faction Champions battle in the Trial of the Crusader raid instance.

10-player abilities[]

  • Ability marksmanship Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting 5525 to 7475 Physical damage.
  • Ability hunter steadyshot Steady Shot — A steady shot that causes 150% of weapon damage to a target.
  • Inv spear 07 Aimed Shot — An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 3000 and reduces healing done to that target by 50%. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Ability hunter explosiveshot Explosive Shot — You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing 3173 to 3827 Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional 2 sec.
  • Inv spear 02 Wyvern Sting — A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 8 sec. Any damage will cancel the effect. When the target wakes up, the Sting causes 2460 Nature damage over 6 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time.
  • Ability rogue trip Wing Clip — Maims the enemy, reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Spell frost freezingbreath Frost Trap — Place a frost trap that creates an ice slick around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches it. All enemies within 10 yards will be slowed by 50% while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 30 sec. Only one trap can be active at a time.
  • Ability rogue feint Disengage — Attempt to disengage from combat, leaping backwards.
  • Ability whirlwind Deterrence — When activated, increases parry chance by 100% and grants a 100% chance to deflect spells cast by targets in front of you. Lasts 5 sec.

Ruj'kah also summons a pet Cat to assist her with 53,420 hit points.

  • Ability druid rake Claw — Claw the enemy, causing 1238 to 1762 damage.

25-player abilities[]

  • Ability marksmanship Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting 6800 to 9200 Physical damage.
  • Ability hunter steadyshot Steady Shot — A steady shot that causes 150% of weapon damage to a target.
  • Inv spear 07 Aimed Shot — An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 3000 and reduces healing done to that target by 50%. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Ability hunter explosiveshot Explosive Shot — You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing 3626 to 4374 Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional 2 sec.
  • Inv spear 02 Wyvern Sting — A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 8 sec. Any damage will cancel the effect. When the target wakes up, the Sting causes 2460 Nature damage over 6 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time.
  • Ability rogue trip Wing Clip — Maims the enemy, reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Spell frost freezingbreath Frost Trap — Place a frost trap that creates an ice slick around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches it. All enemies within 10 yards will be slowed by 50% while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 30 sec. Only one trap can be active at a time.
  • Ability rogue feint Disengage — Attempt to disengage from combat, leaping backwards.
  • Ability whirlwind Deterrence — When activated, increases parry chance by 100% and grants a 100% chance to deflect spells cast by targets in front of you. Lasts 5 sec.

Ruj'kah also summons a pet Cat to assist her with 186,970 hit points.

  • Ability druid rake Claw — Claw the enemy, causing 2063 to 2937 damage.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
