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NeutralRule 6: Concealment is Everything
Start Ve'nari [46.9, 41.5]VZ-MawBlip
End Ve'nari [46.9, 41.5]VZ-MawBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Maw
Experience 10,200
Reputation +100 Ve'nari
Rewards Access to the Beastwarrens
Inv maweye gold [Make it Double!]
51g 48s
Previous N [60] Rule 5: Be Audacious
Next N [60G5] Stalking the Warrens, N [60] Rule 6 Footnote: Don't Forget Anything (if N [60] Rule 6 Addendum: Save Me At Any Cost was not completed), N [60] Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable (at Appreciative)

Rule 6: Concealment is Everything is the Ambivalent step in Ve'nari's storyline in the Maw. The quest unlocks access to the Beastwarrens, opening up access to the area and the Maw Hunts mechanic.

The final quest will take place at Appreciative, not at Cordial, when she offers N [60] Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable.


Retrieve 15 Broker Hunting Runes from The Beastwarrens.


I have made a startling discovery, <name>.

Do you recall how the captured agents of my cartel were taken to the Beastwarrens?

The Mawsworn seem to think they possess a means of tracking me. And now, strange new runes empower the Jailer's hounds.

Clearly, we cannot have that.

This new cypher will grant you solace from the screeching in the Beastwarrens. Brave its caverns and secure those runes for inspection.

If we are to counter their effects, I must know how they work.


You will receive:


The runes... you have them?


Interesting... runes that can detect brokers by using our extracted essence.

Let us hope you were able to stop any further production. I will keep these for study.

At some point, you will certainly need to walk the nightmarish plains of the Beastwarrens again. My cypher will continue to allow you to do so.


On accept:

Ve'nari says: Rule 6: Implement new concealment measures regularly. The Mawsworn never stop devising new ways to find us.
Ve'nari says: This cypher will dampen your aroma in their Warrens. Bring me the runes which animate these fiends, that I may better understand their function.

Head southeast into the Beastwarrens across the bridge, and the Otherworldly Screeching will harass the player for the last time:

Denizens of the Beastwarrens fill your mind with [Otherworldly Screeching]!

Use the quest item, then head in. Follow the road east into Desmotaeron, then immediately take the north fork to find Ve'brax, a chained broker who starts N [60] Rule 6 Addendum: Save Me At Any Cost. Pick it up before heading further northeast to the quest area.

Kill Rune Extractors, Rune Hunters, Rune Inscribers, and Rune Scribed Husks in the area for the Broker Hunting Runes. Then enter the Echoing Caverns to find Runemaster Mavrok. Defeat him, finish up the rune collection, turn in to Ve'brax, then head back to Ve'nari.

On complete:

Ve'nari says: Learn what you can inside the Warrens, mortal. My research continues.

Ve'nari has new gossip text on complete:

Gossip What happened to the other brokers who came into the Maw with you?
None of the others survived. Only me.
The Maw, as you are well aware, is a dangerous place. And while traveling in a large group may provide the illusion of security, in reality it just makes you a more tempting target.
We learned that the hard way. Our numbers were whittled away until there were few enough of us left to hide ourselves. That slowed the hunt... but did not stop it.
When I alone remained, I accepted the truth of my situation. Solitude offered the best chance of survival.
At least until you arrived.


  1. N [60] Trust Issues
  2. N [60] Rule 4: Make A List
  3. N [60] Rule 5: Be Audacious (requires Tentative)
  4. N [60] Rule 6: Concealment is Everything (requires Ambivalent)
    • Optional side chain:
    1. N [60] Rule 6 Footnote: Don't Forget Anything (optional breadcrumb)
    2. N [60] Rule 6 Addendum: Save Me At Any Cost
  5. N [60] Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable (requires Appreciative)

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Deep within the Beastwarrens, Shadehounds are being raised in remarkable numbers. They are also... considerably more powerful than before.

Go to the Beastwarrens and acquire the runes the Mawsworn use to twist shades into beasts.

While you're there, it would be prudent to install some perimeter security. An early warning system, of sorts.

In exchange, I offer a cypher, which will deafen your ears to the screeching within the warrens. Move carefully, Maw Walker.

Patch changes[]

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