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NeutralRuneforging: Preparation For Battle
Start Instructor Razuvious
End Instructor Razuvious
Level 8-30
Category Death Knight
Experience 1,700
Previous N Death Knight [8-30] The Emblazoned Runeblade
Next N Death Knight [8-30] The Endless Hunger


Instructor Razuvious in Ebon Hold has commanded you to use your Spell deathknight frozenruneweapon [Runeforging] ability to engrave a rune [of your choosing] upon your Inv sword 2h blood b 01 [Runed Soulblade].

You may freely replace the engraving upon your weapon at any time, so long as you are near a Runeforge.

  • Weapon emblazoned
  • Return to Instructor Razuvious at the Heart of Acherus in Ebon Hold.


The mark of war is etched indelibly upon your soul, death knight. You have learned the dark art of runeforging and with it you will engrave runes of power upon your weaponry.

Preparations for battle must be made. Return to one of the runeforges, here in the Heart of Acherus, and use the power of runeforging to emblazon your weapon with a rune of power!

Return to me when your blade glows with dark energy!


You will receive:


Do not waste time, <name>. We are on the brink of apocalypse!


Remember these words, death knight. The Runeforge is a Scourge instrument. It exists only in Acherus, Naxxramas and the heart of Icecrown! You may only emblazon your weaponry at a Runeforge.

Return often and emblazon all of your weapons. A death knight must be prepared for all that would dare oppose him!


  1. N Death Knight [8-30] In Service Of The Lich King
  2. N Death Knight [8-30] The Emblazoned Runeblade
  3. N Death Knight [8-30] Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
  4. N Death Knight [8-30] The Endless Hunger
  5. N Death Knight [8-30] The Eye Of Acherus
  6. N Death Knight [8-30] Death Comes From On High
  7. N Death Knight [8-30] The Might Of The Scourge
  8. N Death Knight [8-30] Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor
  9. N Death Knight [8-30] The Scarlet Harvest
  10. Complete all of:
  11. N Death Knight [8-30] Gothik the Harvester
  12. N Death Knight [8-30] The Gift That Keeps On Giving
  13. N Death Knight [8-30] An Attack Of Opportunity
  14. N Death Knight [8-30] Massacre At Light's Point
  15. N Death Knight [8-30] Victory At Death's Breach!
  16. N Death Knight [8-30] The Will Of The Lich King
  17. N Death Knight [8-30] The Crypt of Remembrance
  18. N Death Knight [8-30] Nowhere To Run and Nowhere To Hide & N Death Knight [8-30] Lambs To The Slaughter
  19. N Death Knight [8-30] How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies
  20. N Death Knight [8-30] Behind Scarlet Lines
  21. N Death Knight [8-30] The Path Of The Righteous Crusader & N Death Knight [8-30] Brothers In Death
  22. N Death Knight [8-30] Bloody Breakout
  23. N Death Knight [8-30] A Cry For Vengeance!
  24. N Death Knight [8-30] A Special Surprise
  25. N Death Knight [8-30] A Sort Of Homecoming
  26. N Death Knight [8-30] Ambush At The Overlook
  27. N Death Knight [8-30] A Meeting With Fate
  28. N Death Knight [8-30] The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges
  29. N Death Knight [8-30] Scarlet Armies Approach...
  30. N Death Knight [8-30] The Scarlet Apocalypse
  31. N Death Knight [8-30] An End To All Things...
  32. N Death Knight [8-30] The Lich King's Command
  33. N Death Knight [8-30] The Light of Dawn
  34. N Death Knight [8-30] Taking Back Acherus
  35. N Death Knight [8-30] The Battle For The Ebon Hold
  36. A Death Knight [8-30] Where Kings Walk or H Death knight [8-30] Saurfang's Blessing

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