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NeutralRushing Quality
Start Ebyssian
End Ebyssian [33.1, 50.9]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 9,500
Reputation +130 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards Inv misc questionmark [Pocket Darkened Elemental Core]
10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Battlefield Triage
Next N [70] Shut Them Down, N [70] Alliance of Convenience
Rushing Quality

Channeling the shadowflame out of Sabellian with Fyrakk in the background


Cleanse the shadowflame from Sabellian's injury.


Look ahead! The djaradin have cleared away from the northeastern side of the caldera to augment their forces near the elders.

There is an altar bordering the lava pool that appears safe for now. We can set up our spell components there.

Let us hurry before the djaradin return.


You will receive:


Fyrakk and the elders can wait.

If Sabellian is lost, we will fail regardless.


Sabellian is still injured from the burn, but the shadowflame has been purged from him.

It is the best I can do for now. I will ensure that he has time to rest later.


Head to the altar overlooking the caldera proper and Fyrakk:

Ebyssian says: We will need to work quickly while Fyrakk's forces are distracted.
Sabellian says: Then hurry it up! Our window of opportunity is rapidly closing!

Interact with the ghost totem to place it:

Ebyssian says: That will work. Place the cores around the totem. We will use them to contain the shadowflame as we draw it out of Sabellian's wound.
Sabellian says: Hurry, <name>. I can feel it burning deeper into me. This is a nightmare! This is what turned my father into a monster.
Ebyssian says: Sabellian, you are not our father! You are so much stronger. You can resist this evil. I have faith in you.

Then interact with the five Vacant Elemental Cores to place them as well:

Ebyssian says: I will need your help, <name>. Please, when you are ready, I will channel through us both.

Step in the spot and use the extra action button that appears:

Ability shaman windwalktotem Assist Ebyssian — Lend your strength to Ebyssian, helping him perform a ritual to cleanse the shadowflame from Sabellian's injury.
Sabellian says: It--My arm is going n-numb, what are you doing?
Ebyssian says: Drawing the shadow's corruption to the surface. Hold strong!
Sabellian says: The pain is too great!
Ebyssian says: It is done. I have purged it from you. You are free.
Ebyssian says: Gather the cores, <name>. We need to get rid of them.

Gather up all five Darkened Elemental Cores:

Ebyssian says: Throw them into the lava pool.
Sabellian says: That will further empower that corrupted Incarnate!
Ebyssian says: The harm is already done. Salt returned to the ocean.

Then use the extra action button that appears:

Inv misc questionmark Toss Cores — Throw the cores into the magma!


  1. N [70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
  2. N [70] Sight Beyond Sight
  3. N [70] Legends of the Zaqali & N [70] Know Thy Enemy
  4. N [70] Take Out the Head
  5. N [70] Consequences
  6. N [70] Battlefield Triage
  7. N [70] Rushing Quality
  8. N [70] Shut Them Down & N [70] Alliance of Convenience
  9. N [70] A Scale for a Scale
  10. N [70] From Hell's Heart
  11. N [70] No Dragon Left Behind
  12. N [70] Raked Over the Coals
  13. N [70] The Endless Burning Sky
  14. N [70] In the Wake of the Ashes

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