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AllianceRut'theran Village
Start Admiral Nightwind[42.6, 36.0]VZ-Gilneas-t2Blip
End Admiral Nightwind[42.6, 36.0]VZ-Gilneas-t2Blip
Level 1-30
Category Gilneas
Race IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female Worgen
Experience 90
Rewards 50s
Previous A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Endgame
Next A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Howling Oak

Note: This is a one-way trip, leaving the phased version of the Gilneas zone.


Are you ready to set sail, <name>? Your people have been granted shelter in the lands of the kaldorei.

Do not worry, worgen. Your people will get a chance to fight for Gilneas again. This time, with the full strength of the Alliance.


You will receive: 50c


Nightwind offers this quest on deck of the night elf ship in Keel Harbor upon the completion of A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Endgame.

Upon completion, players wind up on the docks of Rut'theran Village of Teldrassil on Kalimdor. Run forward to find Krennan Aranas, who offers the next quest: The Howling Oak.


  1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Betrayal at Tempest's Reach
  2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Flank the Forsaken
  3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Liberation Day / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Last Meal / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Slaves to No One
  4. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Push Them Out
  5. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Battle for Gilneas City
  6. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Hunt For Sylvanas
  7. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Vengeance or Survival
  8. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Slowing the Inevitable
  9. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Knee-Deep
  10. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Laid to Rest
  11. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Patriarch's Blessing
  12. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Keel Harbor
  13. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] They Have Allies, But So Do We
  14. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Endgame
  15. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Rut'theran Village
  16. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Howling Oak
  17. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [5-30] Breaking Waves of Change

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Worgen character hearthstone location is now set to The Howling Oak in Darnassus.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-01-18): Worgen character hearthstone location is now set to the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus upon completing the quest "Rut'theran Village".
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links[]
