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MobRuul the Darkener
Image of Ruul the Darkener
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 25-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Eclipsion, Illidari
Location Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley[51.2, 57.5]VZ-Shadowmoon ValleyBlip
Status Killable
Companion(s) Ruul's Netherdrake (mount)

Ruul the Darkener is a blood elf found at the Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley. He is a member of the Eclipsion blood elves. His death is required if the Cipher of Damnation is to be re-created.

He appears to be wielding two Thunderfury weapons.


  • Ability warrior cleave Cleave — Inflicts 110% of weapon damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
  • Spell shadow gathershadows Darkfury — Blasts your enemy with shadowy death, dealing 2 Shadow damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces that victim's Shadow resistance by 5. Affects 5 targets.
  • Ability warrior shieldmastery Spellbreaker — Inflicts 100% weapon damage and leaves the target wounded, reducing the effectiveness of damage spells by 75% for 6 sec.

Objective of[]


  • The skies will darken and all will go quiet. Only then will you know the sweet serenity of death...
  • Your world is at an end.

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