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Start Stefan Vadu
End Stefan Vadu
Level 20-30
Category Zul'Drak
Experience 20950
Reputation +325 Knights of the Ebon Blade
Rewards Choose:
Inv misc rune 05 [Badge of the Infiltrator]
Inv pants leather 04 [Skins of Subterfuge]
Inv shoulder 95 [Shoulderguards of Subterfuge]
Inv belt 27 [Belt of the Betrayer]
5g 90s
Previous Generic Hazardous Materials
Next N [20-30] Betrayal


Stefan at Ebon Watch wants you to perform another task for Drakuru.

Additionally, you are to use the Explosive Charges on 5 Scourgewagons at the Reliquary of Pain.

If you lose your Inv jewelry necklace 17 [Ensorcelled Choker], return to Stefan at Ebon Hold to get another.

  • Scourgewagons destroyed (5)
  • Drakuru's task complete
  • Learn Drakuru's secret
  • Inv misc bomb 05 [Explosive Charges] (provided)



A Scourgewagon.

While we're working to discover the purpose of these crystals, we need you back in Voltarus doing Drakuru's bidding.

Every task you perform successfully gets you closer to him, and brings us that much nearer to knowing his mind.

While you're there, I have another mission for you. Drakuru's Scourgewagons pose a significant threat. We need them destroyed.

Make your way to the wagons and activate these charges. Once they're set, get clear! The explosion will expose you if you're too close.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc rune 05 [Badge of the Infiltrator] Inv pants leather 04 [Skins of Subterfuge]
Inv shoulder 95 [Shoulderguards of Subterfuge] Inv belt 27 [Belt of the Betrayer]

You will also receive: 5g 90s


Were you successful in clearing those scourgewagons, <name>?



Your undercover work has truly paid off, <name>.

Now let's have a look at that scepter....


  1. N [20-30] An Invitation, of Sorts... or N [20-30] Darkness Calling
  2. N [20-30] Near Miss or N [20-30] Close Call
  3. N [20-30] You Can Run, But You Can't Hide or N [20-30] Silver Lining
  4. N [20-30] Dressing Down or N [20-30] Suit Up!
  5. N [20-30] Infiltrating Voltarus
  6. N [20-30] So Far, So Bad
  7. N [20-30] Hazardous Materials
  8. N [20-30] Sabotage
  9. N [20-30] Betrayal

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