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KyrianSacred Scrolls of Humility
Start Voitha[66.0, 47.1]VZ-BastionBlip
End Voitha[66.0, 47.1]VZ-BastionBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Aerial Reconnaissance
Next N [60] Distorted by the Maw, N [60] Fallen to Their Vices


Collect 5 Sacred Scrolls.


The Forsworn are ransacking the library, looking for specific texts amongst our archives.

We cannot allow them to uncover the scrolls they are searching for. Find any set aside scrolls and return them to me for safekeeping.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


The scrolls throughout these temples cover many topics, from information on different worlds, to training pillars, to ancient rituals.


It seems they are gathering information on performing one of our strongest rituals. But for what purpose?


On accept:

Kleia says: The Paragon is up near the temple proper, facing Lysonia on his own!
Voitha says: Chyrus is strong. He chose to risk himself to draw her attention away from the disciples.
Kleia says: That should buy us some time... I will stay here to hear your reports of what happened here while <name> investigates the Forsworn.

In the quest area, keep an eye out for a Radiant Sword, which starts N [60] Compassion, Blade of Humility.

Scrolls litter on the ground.

On completion of all three:

Chyrus says: You were once one of the most loyal to our ways, to our Archon. You must repel these dark thoughts. You can save your followers, save yourself!
Lysonia says: Enough of these foolish games. Uther, finish this, damn you!
Chyrus says: Augh!


  1. N [60] On Lysonia's Trail
  2. N [60] Aerial Reconnaissance
  3. N [60] Sacred Scrolls of Humility, N [60] Succumbing to Pride, N [60] Compassion, Blade of Humility
  4. N [60] Distorted by the Maw, N [60] Fallen to Their Vices
  5. N [60] Lysonia's Plan
  6. N [60] The Power of the Maw
  7. N [60] A Step Too Far, N [60] Kyrian No More
  8. N [60] Her Will, Inflicted
  9. N [60] Time to Reflect
  10. N [60] A Touch of Humility

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