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Inv egg 05
  • Salt Shaker
  • Sell Price: 75s

Salt Shaker was crafted with Engineering (250); taught by trainers.

Materials required:
Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 1x [Mithril Casing] Inv ingot 07 6x [Thorium Bar]
Inv battery 02 3x [Gold Power Core]


This item was used by Leatherworkers to create Inv misc dust 01 [Refined Deeprock Salt] which was used to cure Inv misc pelt bear ruin 02 [Rugged Hide] into Inv misc pelt bear 03 [Cured Rugged Hide].

Patch changes[]

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Deprecated.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14):
    • 70 hour cooldown has been removed. The cooldown was actually on the player, not the device, and the (sharable) device could be used at any time by a player whose cooldown was up.
    • Materials were simplified: now requires 3 gold power cores (up from 1) and no Unstable Triggers (was 4).

External links[]
