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AllianceSamantha Scarlet
Image of Samantha Scarlet
Title <Herb Trader>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive

Samantha Scarlet is a Gilnean quest giver and vendor that can show up at the Town Hall of the Alliance Tier 3 garrison in Lunarfall.

She trades Primal Spirits for Inv misc herb taladororchid [Talador Orchid] and specialty patterns intended for inscribers and alchemists.



You never know what you'll find while wandering the land in search of a good trade. Hopefully I've found someone willing to barter?

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Vendor sells[]

6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit]
5 Fireweed
6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit]
5 Frostweed
6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit]
5 Gorgrond Flytrap
6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit]
5 Nagrand Arrowbloom
6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit]
5 Starflower
6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit]
5 Talador Orchid
Inv misc book 05 [Tome of Sorcerous Elements]
10 Alchemical Catalyst
Inv scroll 04 [Recipe: Savage Blood]
10 Alchemical Catalyst
Inv misc book 06 [Tome of the Stones]
10 Alchemical Catalyst
Inv scroll 04 [Recipe: Primal Alchemy]
60 Starflower
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: The Spirit of War]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mighty Ensorcelled Tarot]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mass Mill Frostweed]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mass Mill Fireweed]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mass Mill Gorgrond Flytrap]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mass Mill Starflower]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mass Mill Nagrand Arrowbloom]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mass Mill Talador Orchid]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Mighty Weapon Crystal]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Savage Ensorcelled Tarot]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Technique: Savage Weapon Crystal]
20 Cerulean Pigment
Inv scroll 05 [Recipe: Wildswater]
10 Alchemical Catalyst
Inv scroll 05 [Recipe: Elemental Distillate]
10 Alchemical Catalyst
No longer available


  • Profession traders are one of four types of quest givers that can show up at the Town Hall each day. Each region is randomly set daily with a list of quests that the quest givers can have: it is then randomized which one of the corresponding quest givers will show up. Thus if a player has Samantha show up, everyone in that region who got the profession quest for the day will get Samantha. If you need, for example, Harrison Jones' quest that day instead, you can join another player's party where Jones showed up and get the quest from their garrison. You can do the same to accept the full list of dailies set that day for your region if you so wish.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
