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This article is about samophlanges in general. For the quest item, see Inv gizmo 01 [Samophlange]. For the quest, see H [5-30] Samophlange.
Samophlange Repair - Samophlange

A samophlange.

“What the heck is a samophlange?”


The samophlange is a goblin-made component and a running gag in Warcraft.


Induction Samophlange

An induction samophlange.

Samophlange TCG

The samophlange control apparatus in the TCG.

A samophlange is a complex device,[2] worth a fortune if intact.[3] Every goblin that encounters it seems to be impressed with it, even though no one seems to know what it actually does. Boss Copperplug's samophlange manual is over 600 pages long (30 of which are intentionally left blank).[4] The samophlange moves when handled and makes the sound of intricate gears.[5] Its components include a centrifugal rotary ball clutch,[6] at least two load-bearing fluxors, a deregulator gear,[5] a release valve, a differential casing,[7] a reverse crankshaft flywheel pulley, a high-pressure expansion condenser, and oscillating coolant pressure valves.[4] Its structural integrity can be measured by adding extra gauges to it.[8] A samophlange can kill from thirty yards if the reduction caliphracts are misaligned.[9]

The control console in which a samophlange was kept by the Venture Company can be used to "automatically regulate the flow of fuels, gasses, liquids, and related machinery" with various valves and gauges. The console's main power lever "enables" the samophlange. Whatever that means.[10]



WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.
Boss Copperplug

Boss Copperplug.

The samophlange was invented by Boss Copperplug of the Venture Company.[4] He hoarded the secrets of the device, giving out bits of knowledge about it to people he trusted.[11] Sputtervalve, a Tinkers' Union engineer in Ratchet, discovered that the Venture Co. was experimenting with the samophlange at one of their research sites near the Sludge Fen and sent adventurers to retrieve it so he could examine it.[12] After deactivating the samophlange control console and opening it with a key from Tinkerer Sniggles,[13] the adventurers tugged the samophlange loose and brought it back to Sputtervalve, who stated that he'd send it to the Tinkers' Union headquarters in Undermine for dissection, in the hopes that they'd be able to "make some sense of it".[14]

Sputtervalve's colleagues were intrigued by his description, but he accidentally broke the device before he could send it. He sent the adventurers to Wenikee Boltbucket to fix it. Although Wenikee didn't know what a samophlange was, she was interested in seeing what it did.[15] However, her attempts to fix it by putting extra gauges and dials on it didn't work, so she sent the adventurers to the ex-Venture Co. member Rilli Greasygob instead. Rilli immediately recognized the samophlange[8] and claimed to be able to fix it if he got the user's manual from Boss Copperplug. He promised to let the adventurers know if he ever got the device fixed.[11]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
Read the Manual

Nozzlepot, Brak Blusterpipe, and Sputtervalve getting the samophlange operational.

Sputtervalve, now an independent contractor at Nozzlepot's Outpost, again asked adventurers to obtain the samophlange from the Venture Co. research site.[1] He stated that while it would be best to carefully analyze and reverse engineer it, there wasn't time for that and he instead fired it up right away to see what it did. As a result, the samophlange broke immediately.[2] Brak Blusterpipe tried to bang it back into shape, only for it to break further.[6] The adventurers took it to Wenikee Boltbucket again,[5] but her attempted fix resulted in it breaking a third time[16] and its structural integrity reaching an all-time low. However, in the process, she discovered Boss Copperplug's stamp on the device. The adventurers took the now unrecognizable re-engineered wreckage of the samophlange back to Sputtervalve,[7] who asked them to get the device's manual from Copperplug and his followers. Sputtervalve was impressed by the manual, even though he still hadn't figured out what the samophlange's purpose was. Sputtervalve and Brak fired the device back up and, this time, managed to get it working. Nozzlepot told them to throttle it up to "max power", which caused it to explode. Nozzlepot declared Sputtervalve to be a genius and ordered him to make 30 more samophlanges.[4]


Smoot with the induction samophlange.

In preparation for the Horde's invasion of the Twilight Highlands, Captain Krazz wanted the zeppelin engines of the Hellscream warfleet to use an induction samophlange,[9] which to the untrained eye is identical to an ordinary samophlange.[17] This caused the engines to be delayed,[18] since induction samophlanges hadn't actually been invented yet. Fleep tasked the engineer Smoot with creating one based on stolen Venture Co. schematics, but upon building a working model, Smoot became drunk with power and started running around Bilgewater Harbor with it. Adventurers took the samophlange from him, allowing Fleep to "samophlanginate"[9] and install the engines.[19] When Garrosh's Airship crashed at the start of the invasion, the induction samophlange went down with it. The Alliance stole it and brought it to Highbank, but adventurers and the Gob Squad recovered it[20] and gave it back to Captain Krazz so he could rebuild the fleet.[21]

In World of Warcraft[]


Other mentions[]

Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans[]


A samophlange in Warcraft Adventures.

WarcraftAdventures-Logo This section concerns content related to the canceled game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans and is therefore non-canon.

The samophlange first appeared in the canceled Warcraft Adventures, lying next to Gazlowe's crashed zeppelin. He was upset when Thrall almost stepped on it. Gazlowe described it as "one of the most revolutionary tools ever invented by the goblins" and "very delicate". It was essentially a high powered drill designed to attach the snabgasket to the bleemseal's intake valves (both were zeppelin components). It attached to a hose of some kind.


  • The samophlange is mentioned by Trixie Sprockets, a Book of Mercenaries boss in Hearthstone, and in one of Gazlowe's click quotes in Heroes of the Storm: "The samophlange is connected to the gizmo, and the gizmo's connected to the dealybob, and the dealybob's-- [crash] GAH! Uh, no longer connected to the thingamajig..."
  • The blasted samophlange, keeping one's foot off of it, and not knowing what one is, originated in an infamous ThunderCats outtake. It can be listened to here. This outtake is referenced in the 2011 reboot.

See also[]


  1. ^ a b H [5-30] Samophlange (Cataclysm, 1)
  2. ^ a b H [5-30] Samophlange (Cataclysm, 4)
  3. ^ Inv gizmo 01 [Broken Samophlange]
  4. ^ a b c d H [5-30] Read the Manual
  5. ^ a b c H [5-30] Wenikee Boltbucket (Cataclysm)
  6. ^ a b H [5-30] Samophlange Repair
  7. ^ a b H [5-30] Return to Samophlanger
  8. ^ a b H [18] Rilli Greasygob
  9. ^ a b c H [30-35] Smoot's Samophlange
  10. ^ Inv misc book 03 [Control Console Operating Manual]
  11. ^ a b H [19] Samophlange Manual
  12. ^ N [14] Samophlange (Classic, 1)
  13. ^ N [14] Samophlange (Classic, 3)
  14. ^ N [16] Samophlange (Classic, 4)
  15. ^ H [14] Wenikee Boltbucket (Classic)
  16. ^ H [5-30] Nugget Slugs
  17. ^ Inv gizmo 01 [Induction Samophlange]
  18. ^ H [30-35] Ready the Air Force
  19. ^ H [30-35] Pre-Flight Checklist
  20. ^ H [30-35] Of Utmost Importance
  21. ^ H [30-35] Krazz Works!
  22. ^ N [100D] Core of Iron
  23. ^ Tizzi Twistcog