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Image of Sanaar
Gender Female
Race Fal'dorei (Humanoid)
Level 45 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Falanaar Tunnels, Suramar
Status Killable

Sanaar is a fal'dorei located in Falanaar Tunnels in Suramar.


  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer red Amplified — Causes the caster to inflict 40% increased Physical damage.
  • Arcane Charged
  • Spell arcane manatap Arcane Resonance — Conjures a bulwark of arcane magic around the casterfor 7 sec. The bulwark reduces damage taken by 30% and spawns Arcane Resonances when receiving damage.
  • Spell deathknight spelldeflection Conjure Spellsword — Conjures a weapon of arcane power for 46 sec. The weapon periodically strikes at enemies, inflicting Arcane damage in a line.
  • Spell arcane blast Crackling Nether — Channels a storm of arcane energy over 9 sec, inflicting Arcane damage to enemies every second.
  • Spell arcane massdispel Enervating Touch — Weakens an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage and increasing all damage taken by 100% for 6 sec.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer orange Enhanced — Causes the caster to inflict 25% increased Physical damage.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer purple Imbued — Causes the caster to inflict 30% increased Physical damage.
  • Spell arcane arcane01 nightborne Mana Cords — Inflicts Arcane damage every 1 sec to an enemy and reduces movement speed by 75% for 8 sec.
  • Spell arcane blink Translocate — Scrambles the locations of enemy targets, inflicting Arcane damage and additionally creating a pool of arcane magic at their new location, inflicting Arcane damage every second.
  • Translocate Field
  • Ability socererking arcanemines Unstable Power — Conjures orbs of Unstable Power for 25 sec which periodically inflicts Arcane damage to nearby enemies.
  • Inv enchant essencearcanelarge Volatile Mana — Conjures Volatile Mana which explode after 8 sec or when they reach a target.

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