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HordeSara Lanner
Image of Sara Lanner
Title <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Occupation Vendor
Location War Quarter, Undercity

Sara Lanner is a Forsaken jewelcrafting supplies vendor in the War Quarter in the Undercity.


Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost
Item Cost
Item cutmetagemb [Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Accurate Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Adept Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Artful Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Austere Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Band of Blades]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bold Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bold Inferno Ruby]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brazen Elementium Medallion]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brilliant Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brilliant Inferno Ruby]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deadly Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Defender's Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deft Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Inferno Ruby]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Elementium Destroyer's Ring]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Elementium Guardian]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Elementium Moebius Band]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ember Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Entwined Elementium Choker]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Etched Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Eye of Many Deaths]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fierce Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fine Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Flashing Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Flashing Inferno Ruby]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forceful Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fractured Amberjewel]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fractured Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Glinting Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Guardian's Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Inscribed Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Jagged Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Keen Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lightning Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lucent Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic Amberjewel]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Nimble Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Piercing Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Polished Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Potent Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Precise Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Precise Inferno Ruby]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Puissant Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Punisher's Band]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Purified Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Quick Amberjewel]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Quick Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Reckless Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Regal Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resolute Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resplendent Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Retaliating Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Rigid Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Rigid Ocean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Warring Elements]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sensei's Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shifting Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Skillful Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth Amberjewel]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Solid Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Solid Ocean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sovereign Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sparkling Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sparkling Ocean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Steady Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Ocean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Subtle Amberjewel]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Subtle Chimera's Eye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Timeless Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Veiled Demonseye]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Vivid Dream Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Willful Ember Topaz]
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Zen Dream Emerald]
Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Toolset] 8s
Inv jewelcrafting bronzesetting [Jeweler's Setting] 1g 50s
Inv jewelcrafting delicatecopperwire [Malleable Wire] 9g

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