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Satyr Incinerator
Race Creep (Satyr)
Base unit N/A
Faction Neutral
Hit points 475-700
Hit point regeneration 0.25
Hit point regeneration rate Always HP/sec.
Mana 285-555
Mana Regeneration rate 0.01 Mana/sec.
Unit Classified As Ground
Level 1-10
Gold 425 Gold
Lumber 0 Lumber
Food 5 Food
Produced at Satyr Portal
Build time 55 sec. sec.
Requires N/A
Gold Bounty Awarded 40-52 BTNPillage
Transport slots 1
Attacking priority 9
Sleeps No
Hotkey E
Normal attack 20-26 to 47-53
Can attack Ground, Structure, Debris, Air, Item, Ward
Range 60
Attack type Hero
Cooldown 2.28 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Flesh
Defense Type Hero
Armor 3-11
Day Sight 1800
Night Sight 800
Movement Speed Fast (320)
Hero Parameters
Primary Attribute Agility
Strength Infocard-heroattributes-str 15 (+1/level)
Agility Infocard-heroattributes-agi 18 (+3/level)
Intelligence Infocard-heroattributes-int 19 (+2/level)
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

The Satyr Incinerators only appear in the Warcraft III map 'Monolith' and is seen as the hero for this race. It attacks land and air units, and because it is the only 'hero type' unit for the race, it comes free of charge but will cost the player five food, With the description "The Satyr Incinerator has a fascination with fire which other satyrs find unnerving". Its seen as a medium sized, Agility based satyr, with a tint of orange in the skin and surrounded by fire. It is able to learn Spell fire firebolt [Firebolt], Flame Strike, Ability monk breathoffire [Breath of Fire] and Inferno. The Incinerator also comes with Permanent Spell shadow summoninfernal [Immolation], explaining the Fire that surrounds him.


Level Attack Armor Strength Agility Intelligence Hit Points Mana
1 20-26 [23 avg] 3 15 18 19 475 285
2 23-29 [26 avg] 4 16 21 21 500 315
3 26-32 [29 avg] 5 17 24 23 525 345
4 29-35 [32 avg] 6 18 27 25 550 375
5 32-38 [35 avg] 7 19 30 27 575 405
6 35-41 [38 avg] 8 20 33 29 600 435
7 38-44 [41 avg] 9 21 36 31 625 465
8 41-47 [44 avg] 10 22 39 33 650 495
9 44-50 [47 avg] 11 23 42 35 675 525
10 47-53 [50 avg] 11 24 45 37 700 555

Hero names[]

  • Therminator, Flameon, Charo.

World Editor description[]

The Satyr Incinerator has a fascination with fire which even other Satyrs find unnerving. "Lady Propane has been good to me."

Spells and abilities[]

Flame Strike[]

Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.
Channel Time Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets
0.9 sec. 6 sec. 10 sec. 135 80 20 Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Friend, Building, Self, Tree
Level Effect Hero Level Req
1 45 Pillar damage/sec. for 2.67 seconds, 4 Fire damage for 6 sec. 1
2 80 Pillar damage/sec. for 2.67 seconds, 8 Fire damage for 6 sec. 3
3 110 Pillar damage/sec. for 2.67 seconds, 12 Fire damage for 6 sec. 5

Breath of Fire[]

Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units which deals damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and take burn damage over time.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range (Max Distance) Area of Effect Allowed Targets
5 sec. 10 sec. 75 37.5 (67.5) 15 Air, Ground, Structure
Level Effect Hero Level Req
1 65 initial damage, 7 damage/sec., 480 max damage 1
2 125 initial damage, 14 damage/sec., 800 max damage 3
3 170 initial damage, 21 damage/sec., 1200 max damage 5


Hurls a fiery bolt that stuns a target enemy unit.
Level Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Effect Hero Level Req
1 2 sec. 8 sec. 75 80 100 damage and stun 1
2 3 sec. 8 sec. 75 80 150 damage and stun 3
3 4 sec. 8 sec. 75 80 200 damage and stun 5

Inferno (Ultimate)[]

Calls an Infernal down from the sky, dealing 50 damage and stunning enemy land units for 4 seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts 180 seconds.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect Hero Level Req
180 sec. 180 sec. 175 90 25 Ground, Structure, Debris, Enemy, Neutral Creates an Infernal, 4 (2) second stun, 50 damage with 1 second delay 6

Permanent Immolation (Passive)[]

Burns nearby enemy units for 10 points of damage per second.
Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
22 Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic Deals 10 damage per second to nearby units.