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NeutralSavage Flora
Start Rayne
End Rayne
Level 60 (Requires 55)
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 9550 (or 57s at level 70)
Reputation WoW Icon update+100 Argent Dawn
Wrath-Logo-Small+1000 Argent Dawn
Rewards Inv misc token argentdawn [Insignia of the Dawn] or Inv misc token scarletcrusade [Insignia of the Crusade]
Next N [60] Savage Fronds (repeatable)


Rayne at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 30 Savage Fronds.


I make a special type of armor for the brave heroes that enter Naxxramas known as Dreamwalker. They are able to provide me with most of the materials I require but I am always looking for those able to retrieve savage fronds from the flora of our world.

You may think of this job as beneath you, but without the fronds, the armor could not be made.

I am also in a unique position to pay you with an insignia of your choice as both the Dawn and the Crusade supply me with funds.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will receive:


I have intimate knowledge of the flora in our world. Do you require direction?


I am much obliged, <name>.

<Rayne bows.>

Please remember that I am always accepting fronds.


After completing this quest, you will be offered the repeatable version, N [60] Savage Fronds. The latter has the same insignia reward, but with lowered Argent Dawn reputation and no experience reward.

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