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HordeSavage Vengeance
Iron Thunderguard
Iron Thunderguard
Start Scout Ruk'Gan
End Scout Ruk'Gan
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13970
Rewards 12g 20s
Next H [10-40] At the End of Your Rope, H [10-40] Tar Get of Opportunity


Kill 10 Iron Thunderguards within the Bones of Agurak in Frostfire Ridge.


The Thunderlord are a blight <name>.

<Ruk'gan[sic] spits in disgust.>

My daughter, Grishna, was killed by those monsters. Only their blood will bring me peace now.

If you would help me then I need you to cause a distraction so I can sneak to a position closer to their camp.

Killing a few of their so called "Iron Thunderguard" would be perfect.


You will receive:

  • 12g 20s
  • 13970 XP


Do you have a bodycount for me, <name>?


You have done well, <name>.

Now before we can continue our assault we need to look for any supplies in the area that could help our fight.


On accept:

Scout Ruk'Gan says: Just before you kill them, let 'em scream. It'll make a better distraction.
Ruk'Gan walks over to the dead orc with an axe in his back.
Scout Ruk'Gan says: Better not forget my good axe!
Ruk'Gan recovers the axe and runs east, running east and jumping up the cliff.

Head south along kill a path to the Inv spear 05 [Barbed Thunderlord Spear], which starts the quest H [10-40] Getting the Points. Also, any Thunderlord Wrangler will drop a Inv misc bandage 15 [Coil of Sturdy Rope], which starts the quest H [10-40] A Collection of Coils.

Gather and kill all the things, then find Scout Ruk'Gan stealthed near the draenor giant's hand.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. H [10-40] At the End of Your Rope & H [10-40] Tar Get of Opportunity
  3. H [10-40] Burn Them Down & H [10-40] The Mark of Defiance
  4. H [10-40] Vul'gath's End

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