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For the Stonetalon Mountains quest, see A [10-30] Save the Children!.
AllianceSave the Children!
Start Melinda Hammond[28.9, 64.0]VZ-GilneasBlip
End Melinda Hammond[28.9, 64.0]VZ-GilneasBlip
Level 1-30
Category Gilneas
Race IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female Worgen
Experience 550
Reputation +250 Gilneas
Rewards Inv pants leather 38 [Caregiver's Leggings]
or Inv gauntlets 105v4 [Gloves of Protection]
or Inv pants leather 38 [Protector's Legguards]
1s 25c
Previous A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Allens' Storm Cellar
Next A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Leader of the Pack


Rescue Cynthia, Ashley and James in the Hammond Farmstead.


The military will not allow me outside the cellar, but my children are still in my farm! Please, you must go find them.

The Forsaken have no regard for innocent life—my kids are in great danger!

Their names are Cynthia, Ashley and James. If you find them, bring them back here. I'll be forever in your debt.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants leather 38 [Caregiver's Leggings] Inv gauntlets 105v4 [Gloves of Protection]
Inv pants leather 38 [Protector's Legguards]

You will also receive: 1s 25c


I... I don't know if I can go on without them.


My children are safe! You've done a wonderful thing, <name>. I don't know how to thank you!


James is just outside the house to the south.

<player> says: Your mother's in the basement next door. Get to her now!
James says: Don't hurt me! I was just looking for my sisters! I think Ashley's inside that house!

Ashley is indeed upstairs of the house James is outside of.

<player> says: Join the others inside the basement next door. Hurry!
Ashley says: Are you one of the good worgen, <mister/miss>? Did you see Cynthia hiding in the sheds outside?

Cynthia is to the southeast at the far end of the field by a shed.

<player> says: It's not safe here. Go to the Allens' basement.
Cynthia says: You are scary! I just want my mommy!


  1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Last Chance at Humanity
  2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Among Humans Again
  3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] In Need of Ingredients
  4. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Invasion
  5. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Kill or Be Killed
  6. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Hold the Line / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] You Can't Take 'Em Alone
  7. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Holding Steady
  8. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Allens' Storm Cellar
  9. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Unleash the Beast / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Two By Sea / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Save the Children!
  10. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Leader of the Pack

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