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NeutralSaving for Later
Start Scrollsage Goji
End Scrollsage Goji
Level 10-60
Category Zuldazar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [10-60] The Scrolls of Gral & N [10-60] Clear the Riffraff


Conceal the antiquities of Gral.


We need time to recover the artifacts from this place. Time the naga will not let us have.

However, we do have a plan.

We simply hide what we don't want them to find, and then come back in a decade or two. They will have forgotten about this place by then.

Take this illusion scroll and use it to conceal the notable artifacts of power.


You will receive:


How is that scroll working out?


Naga may be long lived, but their attention spans are not what they once were.

These antiquities should remain safe and preserved until we return.


On approach before completion
Rokor says: It seems we should not have been so hasty, leaving the outpost.
Scrollsage Goji says: We wouldn't have been much good sitting in a cage.
Trader Kro says: The journey brought us here. The discoveries we have made are another piece of this puzzle.
Trader Kro says: Also, I found this interesting trinket.
Scrollsage Goji says: The relics are protected. Gral is not yet lost.
Scrollsage Goji says: We chose well.


  1. H [10-60] Make Loh Go
  2. H [10-60] The Scamps
  3. H [10-60] Mista Nice
  4. H [10-60] Who Seeks the Seekers?
  5. N [10-60] Perfect Tidings & N [10-60] Tiny Treasures
  6. N [10-60] Caged Wisdom
  7. N [10-60] Lost Chelonians & N [10-60] Scrollhunters
  8. N [10-60] A Special Stone
  9. N [10-60] Find Their Words
  10. N [10-60] The Scrolls of Gral & N [10-60] Clear the Riffraff
  11. N [10-60] Awaken a God
    • Optional side quest: N [10-60] Saving for Later
  12. N [10-60] Beneath the Waves
  13. N [10-60] Word from the Deep
  14. H [10-60] Inform the Horde!

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