- Schematic: Arcane Bomb
- Use: Teaches you how to make an Arcane Bomb.
- Arcane Bomb
- Use: Drains 675 to 1125 mana from those in the blast radius and does 50% of the mana drained in damage to the target. Also Silences targets in the blast for 5 sec.
Increased chance of failure if you are higher than level 60. (1 Min Cooldown) - Requires Classic Engineering (300)
- Sell Price: 40
- Delicate Arcanite Converter, Thorium Bar (3), Runecloth
- Requires Engineering (300)
- Sell Price: 60
Schematic: Arcane Bomb has been found to drop less than 5% of the time from Azeroth bosses:
- Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair
- Lord Kazzak in Blasted Lands
- Highlord Kruul
- Azuregos in Azshara
- The Dragons of Nightmare
Singular instances of this schematic are found as loot from some creatures in high level old-world instances (Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, Stratholme).