- Schematic: Mecha-Mogul Mk2
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Teaches you how to make a Mecha-Mogul Mk2.
- Mecha-Mogul Mk2
- Unique
- Mount
- Use: Teaches you how to pilot the Mecha-Mogul Mk2.
- Requires Level 10
- Requires Apprentice Riding
- Platinum Ore (50), Storm Silver Ore (100), Expulsom (20), Azerite Forged Protection Plating (20), Blast-Fired Electric Servomotor (20), Crush Resistant Stabilizer (20), Barely Stable Azerite Reactor (1), Mecha-Mogul Mk1 Remote Activation Device (1)
- Requires Level 10
- Requires Kul Tiran Engineering / Zandalari Engineering (150)
- Sell Price: 25
The Schematic: Mecha-Mogul Mk2 drops from Mogul Razdunk in the MOTHERLODE!!.
It teaches the player, who has engineering, to craft the [Mecha-Mogul Mk2].
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.