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Wrath-Logo-Small Scourge Invasion of Stormwind
Journey Trailer - Stormwind City
Location Stormwind
Result Scourge expelled from Stormwind. Valiance Expedition was formed to attack Icecrown Citadel in Northrend.


Commanders and leaders




Casualties and losses


  • Moderate


  • Heavy
Previous Battle for the Ebon Hold
Concurrent Scourge Invasion of Orgrimmar and Scourge Invasion of Theramore
Next Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate
Necropolis Scourge Invasion Stormwind

The necropolises invading Stormwind.

Part of the Scourge Invasion was fought in Stormwind City, this battle is also called The Winds of War[1] and Echoes of Doom.

The battle[]

The battle began swiftly as Frost Wyrm Raptors disabled key Alliance defenses such as cannons and glaive throwers. Abominations moved in to fight to raze Stormwind City, but faced fierce resistance from the Stormwind City Guards and the Alliance adventurers, veterans of a recently hard-fought campaign in Outland. The Frost Wyrm Raptors strafed the fighters below with icy breath, occasionally swooping down from the sky to bite and claw the defenders, picking up guards with their massive talons and dropping them to their deaths. King Varian Wrynn urged his champions to prevail, participating in the battle himself and killing Frost Wyrms and Abominations single-handedly alongside Bolvar Fordragon.

During the second Scourge Invasion, the mages of Stormwind City theorized that the crystals attached under certain necropolis served as an amplifier for the Scourge spellcasting, and on the orders of Varian, they shielded the city and cast both spells of fire and ice to create swirling winds to drive the necropolis over the shore. At the same time, King Magni Bronzebeard sent goblins in their bombers as reinforcements, and who theorized that they were stabilizers during their flight. In both cases, destroying the chains that held the crystals to the flying structure caused them to explode and crash into the ocean.[2]

In the end, the Alliance won victory over the Scourge, demolishing the abominations on the ground, as aid arrived in the form of the Ironforge Airforce, which drove back the assault along with aid from the Mage Quarter and cannonfire from the ramparts and fleet.

The battle for Stormwind was over... but the battle against the Lich King and his Scourge army was just beginning...


Scourge Invasion of Stormwind - The Comic

King Varian leading the defense against the undead.



Comic version of the battle[]

Comics title This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Although depicting the same event, the comic and the game show some differences:

  • In the comic, Broll was absent from the battle as he was called to Darnassus.
  • Valeera Sanguinar was also absent from the battle as she remained in Theramore Isle at that time.
  • The death knights did not appear in-game.

