- Screaming Bullroarer
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Carefully crate the restored artifact.
- "Artifact details have already been logged in your Archaeology Journal, under the Completed Artifacts tab."
- Sell Price: 1
Screaming Bullroarer is a common Draenor Clans archaeology artifact, created from 55 Draenor Clans Archaeology Fragments. Two Draenor Clan Orator Canes may be used to solve this artifact.
A bullroarer is an arm-length piece of rigid wood affixed to the end of a long rope and spun over the wielder's head to generate a droning noise capable of traveling long distances. This example was grooved by the Warsong to emit a high-pitched whistling noise rather than the low hum used by most other clans.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.