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MobScreaming Shade
Image of Screaming Shade
Race Shade (Undead)
Level 61
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Central Korthia [44.8, 42.8]VZ-KorthiaBlip

The Screaming Shade is a shade located in central Korthia. An objective of Inv offhand 1h mawraid d 01 [Conquering Korthia], players attempting to interact with the shade gives the error message "You must be in the Rift to interact with this."

Killing Screaming Shade awards 80 points of standing with Ve'nari, roughly 50 Inv stygia [Stygia], and 300 points of threat (30% of a level) of Eye of the Jailer. It also drops ~40x Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [Relic Fragment], ~10x uncommon-quality anima items (50 anima), a chance at the Inv misc crate01 [Stolen Korthian Supplies], and rarely the Inv shoulder cloth oribosdungeon c 01 [Mantle of Screaming Shadows] and Inv knife 1h oribosdungeon c 01 [Stinging Shadow Screamer].

After reaching Tier 4 (honored) with the Archivists' Codex, purchase and use a Inv relics runestone [Repaired Riftkey] at a Rift Portal to enter The Rift and interact with the shade:

Screaming Shade pulls you out of the Rift!
Screaming Shade breaks into Korthia from the Rift! (zone-wide)

Be prepared to stay in combat with the shade before interacting with it, as it'll escape back to the Rift should it reset. Once it's in the normal phase, all players can defeat it.


  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness Cross the Veil — Escape across the veil, exiting the Rift and pulling all nearby players with you.
  • Spell shadow possession Cry of Desolation — Fears enemies within 30 yards of the caster for 5 sec.
  • Spell animamaw groundstate Maw Essence — Causes the caster to inflict 50% increased Shadow damage.
  • Spell shadow coneofsilence Rift Scream — Unleash an otherworldly scream from the Rift, fearing enemies on both sides of the veil.
  • Spell deathknight icetouch Soulsmash — The caster devours the target's essence, inflicting 175 Physical damage and increasing the caster's haste by 175% for until canceled.
  • Spell deathknight icetouch Stolen Soul — The caster slams the target, inflicting Physical damage and devours a portion of their essence, increasing the caster's haste by 25% for until canceled.
  • Inv misc supersoulash Unleashed Soulstorm — Inflicts Nature damage to enemies within 9 yards.

Objective of[]

Tracking quest[]

To check whether Screaming Shade was defeated today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64263))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Screaming Shade was defeated today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
