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NeutralScrybbil Engineering
Start Kayann
End Scrybbil
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Professions
Category Zaralek Cavern
Rewards Inv 10 worlddroplevelingoptionalreagent misc stonetablet color3 [Barter Brick]
Inv stone weightstone 08 [Barter Boulder]
Previous N [70] Bartering 101


Deliver Draconium Fisherfriends to Scrybbil in Loamm.


The kith of Loamm request the skills of an engineer! We have heard of the marvelous machines invented right here in this city, and eagerly wish to put these to use underground!

We have an engineer of our own down below, Mister Scrybbil, who has a special interest in what you call "fishing rods". How does such a thing work? Do you use them to spear the fish? How strange!

Please deliver these "fishing rods" as soon as you can, won't you?


You will receive:
Inv 10 worlddroplevelingoptionalreagent misc stonetablet color3 [Barter Brick] Inv stone weightstone 08 [Barter Boulder]


Step right up, and witness the fantastic inventions of Scrybbil! Can I interest you in a firework, sir and/or ma'am?

What's that? You have a delivery for me?


Oh, wonderful! I've been waiting for this day!

Down here, we just use our claws to catch fish. It's a bit barbaric and not really efficient! Now I can use this and catch a mountain of fish!

... How does it work?


Upon completion
Scrybbil says: You fish, right? You have to show me how to use this!
Scrybbil says: Hold on, I'm coming out!
Scrybbil says: So I hold it like this?
Scrybbil says: And then I "cast the line"? You mean like a spell? I'm no Sparklefinger!
Scrybbil says: Oh I see! That thing on the end needs to go into the water!
Scrybbil says: Hyah!
Scrybbil says: HYAH!
Scrybbil yells: ARGH!
Scrybbil says: Oh oh oh I got it! This is going to be great!
Scrybbil says: Thanks so much, <name>! I love learning new things!
Scrybbil says: And I'm going to love exploring with my new gadget! Think of all the new kinds of fish I'll find!

Completing this quest gives the adventurer the Scrybbil's Wonderful Wanderlust buff.

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