Horde Secret Supply Chest

Alliance Secret Supply Chest
The Secret Supply Chests have a chance to spawn in Zandalar and Kul Tiras during Faction Assaults while in War Mode.
Please add any available information to this section.
- Drustvar
- Northwest of Arom's Stand, next to a waterfall, near Talon spawn location[34, 41]
- Teller Farm[29, 40]
- At a farm, right outside Arom's Stand[34, 48]
- Stormsong Valley
- East of Fort Daelin, near the mountain[43.1, 46.9]
- Deadwash[46.5, 56.6]
- North of Briarback Kraul[40.2, 62.5]
- Tiragarde Sound
- West of Greystone Keep[74.8, 44.5]
- Greystone Keep, in a basement[79.3, 37.5]
- East of Greystone Keep, near the tower[82.9, 36.5]
- Nazmir
- Nazwatha, next to a pillar[78, 19]
- Torga's Rest[67, 17]
- Vol'dun
Criteria of[]
- The supply chest can only be looted once every new faction assault.
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Added.