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AllianceSedimentary, My Dear
Start Surveyor Thurdan [57.6, 71.4]VZ-WetlandsBlip
End Surveyor Thurdan [57.6, 71.4]VZ-WetlandsBlip
Level 10-30
Category Wetlands
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards Inv belt 23 [Drunkard's Belt]
or Inv bracer 03 [Topsoil Bracers]
or Inv bracer 12 [Discolored Bracers]
or Inv bracer 03 [Topsoil Binders]
Next A [10-30] A Dumpy Job


Collect 8 Flood Sediment Samples.


The destruction of the Stonewrought Dam was no small thing, <lad/lass>. We're here to find out just how bad the damage is. A mighty load of water's rampaged through here, and if it's disturbed the earth too far, we could be in for worse later on.

We can tell a lot from studying the sediment of the flooded area. I need as many soil samples as I can get, so if you could head out there and collect some more, I'd much appreciate it.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv belt 23 [Drunkard's Belt] Inv bracer 03 [Topsoil Bracers]
Inv bracer 12 [Discolored Bracers] Inv bracer 03 [Topsoil Binders]

You will also receive:


Let's see the sediment, then.


Ah, well. The good news is, these will do perfectly. The bad news is I can tell they're the wrong color for topsoil here, even drunk as I am.

That means things aren't looking good for the area, <name>. But we've got more tests to run before we hang up the towel.


Before leaving camp, pick up A [10-30] Fight the Flood and A [10-30] Thresh Out of Luck to do at the same time. Go into the water east and north of camp. Kill elementals and threshers while looking for sparkly piles of sediment.


  1. A [10-30] Checking on the Boys / A [10-30] Hero's Call: Wetlands! (optional breadcrumb to Dun Algaz)
  2. A [10-30] The Stolen Keg & A [10-30] Cleaning Hovel
  3. A [10-30] Keg Run (optional breadcrumb to Slabchisel's Survey)
  4. A [10-30] Fight the Flood & A [10-30] Sedimentary, My Dear & A [10-30] Thresh Out of Luck
  5. A [10-30] Drungeld Glowerglare & A [10-30] A Dumpy Job & A [10-30] Fenbush Berries
  6. A [10-30] Get Out Of Here, Stalkers & A [10-30] Down In Thelgen Rock & A [10-30] Incendicite Ore
  7. A [10-30] Onwards to Menethil (optional breadcrumb to Menethil Harbor)

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