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For other quests with this name, see Seeking Strahad.
HordeSeeking Strahad
Start Carendin Halgar
End Strahad Farsan
Level 30 (Requires 30)
Category Warlock
Experience 600
Next Tome of the Cabal


Find Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.


I have taught you skills in the past, but the time has come for another to teach you. He is in Ratchet, and his name is Strahad. He is human, but do not let that fool you into thinking he is weak, nor is he your enemy... at least for now. He is powerful and should be respected. He can teach you about greater summonings, summonings I feel you are prepared for. Go to him now.

You can find him in Ratchet... above the port town next to the tower there.


You will receive:

  • 600 XP (or 3s 60c at level 70)


A busy day in Ratchet, isn't it? How I enjoy watching the toil of a port city. So much mystery, so much adventure... so much ignorance.

Is that hatred I see in your eyes, <name>? Good, we will put that to good use.


  1. Either one of:
  2. H Warlock [30] Tome of the Cabal
  3. H Warlock [30] Tome of the Cabal
  4. H Warlock [30] Tome of the Cabal
  5. N Warlock [30] The Binding

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