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NeutralSeer Aleis
Image of Seer Aleis
Title <Seal of Broken Fate Shipment>
Gender Male
Race Broken (Humanoid)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Illidari, Ashtongue tribe
Occupation Seer
Location Fel Hammer
Status Alive

Seer Aleis is a Broken located in the Fel Hammer after researching Focused War Effort.




I can help you procure some valuable items.

Workorder I can help you procure some valuable items.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

Inv misc azsharacoin [Seal of Broken Fate] work order NPCs
Class Hall Order Advancement NPC
Druid Dreamgrove Elune's Chosen IconSmall Tauren Female Almenis[40.8, 29.4]VZ-DreamgroveBlip
Priest Netherlight Temple Blessed Seals IconSmall Human Female Truth[59.6, 28.8]VZ-Netherlight TempleBlip
Shaman Heart of Azeroth Spirit Walk (advancement) IconSmall Troll Male Bath'rah the Windwatcher[31.6, 35.2]VZ-Heart of AzerothBlip
Demon hunter Fel Hammer Focused War Effort IconSmall Broken Male Seer Aleis[54.3, 59.6]VZ-Fel Hammer-s1Blip
Paladin Sanctum of Light Holy Purpose IconSmall Human Female Librarian Lightmorne
Monk Temple of Five Dawns One with Destiny IconSmall Pandaren Male Yushi[53.6, 57.6]VZ-Temple of Five DawnsBlip
Rogue Hall of Shadows Plunder (advancement) IconSmall Forsaken Male Scythe[62.6, 50.8]VZ-Hall of ShadowsBlip
Mage Hall of the Guardian Arcane Divination IconSmall Human Female Researcher Tulius[42, 23]VZ-Hall of the GuardianBlip
Hunter Trueshot Lodge Unseen Path (advancement) IconSmall Highmountain Male Tu'Las the Gifted[43.6, 48.6]VZ-Trueshot LodgeBlip

*Death Knights, Warlocks, and Warriors don't have an option to research work orders for Seals of Broken Fate weekly from their Class Order Hall.

External links[]
