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Image of Serpentrix
Gender Female
Race Hydra (Beast)
Level 10-45 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shipwreck Shoals, Eye of Azshara
Status Killable
Eye of Azshara

Warlord Parjesh
Lady Hatecoil
King Deepbeard
Wrath of Azshara


Serpentrix is a hydra boss located at the Shipwreck Shoals in the Eye of Azshara.

Adventure Guide[]

The naga camped at the Eye of Azshara keep a healthy distance from its northern reaches. An ancient scaled beast makes its home in the shallows there, occasionally bursting forth with one if its many snake-like necks to devour nearby prey.


Players initially face Serpentrix alone. However when the beast reaches 66% and 33% health it will Submerge and re-emerge at a distant location, summoning two Hydra Spawns nearby.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • When Serpentrix uses Toxic Wound, keep moving to avoid taking damage from the Toxic Puddle.
  • Avoid damage from Poison Spit by staying downwind of Serpentrix during Violent Winds.
  • When Serpentrix uses Submerge at 33% and 66% health, interrupt it to prevent damage from Rampage.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • When Serpentrix uses Toxic Wound, keep moving to avoid taking damage from the Toxic Puddle.
  • Avoid damage from Poison Spit by staying downwind of Serpentrix during Violent Winds.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Avoid damage from Poison Spit by staying downwind of Serpentrix during Violent Winds.
  • When Serpentrix uses Submerge at 33% and 66% health, interrupt it to prevent damage from Rampage.


  • Ability creature poison 02 Poison Spit — Spits Poison at a random enemy target. The Poison Spit travels faster or slower depending on the direction of the winds.
  • Ability rogue venomouswounds Toxic Wound Important — Serpentrix causes a Toxic Wound on a random player, causing the player to create a trail of Toxic Puddles.
    • Ability creature poison 06 Toxic Puddle Important — Creates a Toxic Puddle at your location! Toxic Puddles inflict 43875 to 46125 Nature damage every 1 sec.
  • Trade archaeology whitehydrafigurine Rampage Interruptible — If Serpentrix is ever unable to reach an enemy with his melee attack, he enters a Rampage, wildly spitting poison!
  • Inv misc volatilewater Submerge — Upon reaching 33% and 66% health Serpentrix Submerges and then Emerges at a distant location, summoning two Hydra Spawns!
    • Blazing Hydra Spawn — Summoned nearby Serpentrix after Emerging.
      • Inv elemental primal fire Blazing Nova Interruptible — Inflicts 73125 to 76875 Fire damage to enemies within 100 yards of the Hydra Spawn.
    • Arcane Hydra Spawn — Summoned nearby Serpentrix after Emerging.
      • Spell arcane blast Arcane Blast Interruptible — Inflicts 58500 to 61500 Arcane damage to a random target, granting Arcane Charge to the Hydra Spawn.
        • Spell arcane blast Arcane Charge — Increases damage dealt by 50%. This effect stacks.


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Item Type
Spell shaman spewlava [Blazing Hydra Flame Sac] (H · M) Fire relic
Ability warlock shadowflame [Serpentrix's Guile] (H · M) Shadow relic
Inv helm cloth legionendgame c 01 [Seawitch Hood] (H · M) Cloth helmet
Inv shoulder plate legionendgame c 01 [Coralplate Pauldrons] (H · M) Plate shoulders
Inv chest leather legiondungeon c 01 [Tunic of the Pitiless Monstrosity] (H · M) Leather chest
Inv bracer cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Wristbands of the Swirling Deeps] (H · M) Cloth bracers
Inv glove leather legionendgame c 01 [Brinewashed Leather Grips] (H · M) Leather gloves
Inv glove plate legiondungeon c 01 [Stormwake Handguards] (H · M) Plate gloves
Inv pants mail legionendgame c 01 [Sea Stalker's Leggings] (H · M) Mail leggings
Inv boot mail legiondungeon c 01 [Hydra Scale Sabatons] (H · M) Mail boots
Creatureportrait twilightshammer dragonegg red 01 [Tempered Egg of Serpentrix] (H · M) Agility trinket


  • In early Legion alpha, its adventure guide description read: "A tamed hydra, Serpentrix stands guardian to one of the Tidelands."
  • Serpentrix shares its model with Megaera.
  • N Skinning [10-45D] Eye of Azshara: The Scales of Serpentrix mistakenly mentions Serpentrix living beneath the Thunder King's palace.
  • The holes that Serpentrix pops out of may be a thematic reference to the tidal guardians in service to the naga.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
