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Image of Serr'ah
Title <Battle Pet Master>
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 90 / 105
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Menagerie, Frostwall
Status Alive

Serr'ah is a jungle troll quest giver and vendor located in the Frostwall's Menagerie. She revives dead pets.

She is also found in Magical Menagerie in Dalaran.


Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.
Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Vendor information[]

Item Cost
Inv misc bag 17 [Mystery Bag] 2 Shiny Pet Charm
Icon upgradestone legendary [Flawless Battle-Training Stone] 3 Shiny Pet Charm
Icon upgradestone rare [Marked Flawless Battle-Stone] 15 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv misc bandage 05 [Battle Pet Bandage] 5 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv misc food 53 [Lesser Pet Treat] 5 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv misc food 65 [Pet Treat] 10 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv elemental mote mana [Magical Mini-Treat] 5 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv misc petbiscuit 01 [Magical Pet Biscuit] 5 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv helmet 119 ["Dapper Gentleman" Costume] 1 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv helmet 66 ["Dread Pirate" Costume] 1 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv helm misc conepartyhat ["Little Princess" Costume] 1 Shiny Pet Charm
Inv misc ribbon 01 [Big Pink Bow] 1 Shiny Pet Charm


Whatcha need?

Gossip Heard any battle news out of Tanaan Jungle?

I've heard rumors of no less than 15 very powerful pets, corrupted by the fel energies unleashed by Gul'dan. Find and defeat them and you'll surely find some rewards of value!

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Lunarfall Dalaran