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This article is an information page for the Гордунни realm (server) The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
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PvEГолдринн (Goldrinn)
PvPГордунни (Gordunni)
- Server (Realm) Name: Гордунни (Gordunni)
- Server Type: PvP
- Server Location (physical): EU, Russian Servers
Гордунни (Gordunni) first opened its doors to players on the 7th of August 2008. Гордунни is a migration realm - it was an eligible target for migrations from Ясеневый Лес (Ashenvale).
Alliance Guilds[]
Исиль Кале (former Isil Cale) International (Russian speaking) All Race Family Casual guild, constantly recruiting.
- Guild:Исиль Кале (Гордунни EU) ранее известная как Isil Cale на сервере Server:Defias Brotherhood Europe, в основном гильдия игроков любителей, не отказывающим себе, время от времени, рейдовые мероприятия. С приятной домашней атмосферой, проводит постоянный набор игроков.