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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realm Kul Tiras US

This article is an information page for the Bladefist realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

English PvE
December 14, 2006 The Burning Crusade
Official forums GuildProgress
Index Category index
Alliance 6,093
Horde 1,331
Alliance / Horde ratio 1.7:1
Whirlwind US

Bladefist is a PvE Pacific Standard Time Server in the Whirlwind Battlegroup. The server launched on December 14, 2006. It was the first of the new realm openings in preparation for the launch of the Burning Crusade expansion. Launched at the same time were the realms Misha, Ravenholdt, and Maiev.

The name of the realm comes from Kargath Bladefist (a.k.a. Korgath Bladefist) who is the Warchief of the Fel Horde and Chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan. He earned the sobriquet "Bladefist" after he cut off his own hand when he reached the station of grunt, replacing it with a deadly scythe (see The Bladefist). Hereafter, he quickly rose to the station of Chieftain of the Shattered Hand.

Guild List[]

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Affliktion ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
ALUMUNA ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Amen ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Broken Axe Brigade ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Dancing Divas ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Gosu ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
House of Telvanni ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Hubris ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
I Am Canadian ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Instance Grinders ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Killa Army ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Knights of the Templers ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Lion's Gate ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Midnight ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Pay It Forward ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Phalanx ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Pheonix Templars ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Priory Knights ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Relentless ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Saints of Forgotten Lore ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Salus Novus ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Slithered Titans ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Steel ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Synenergy ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Alliance of Tor ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Ardent Guard ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Canadians, Eh ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Chosen ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Shadow Guard ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
UNITY ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Unrest ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Verve ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Wasted Epics ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Carpé Diem ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

Horde Crest Horde »

Because they can ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Altered Existence ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Amaze ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Cataclysm ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Crimson Fury ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Dark Nightslayers ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Facta non Verba ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Gadgetzan Brewing Co. ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Infinite Chaos ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Only The Strong ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Omen ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
NightRavers ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Reborne ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Resilience ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Sons of Eris ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Kartel ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Two Dollar Horde ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Validus ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Victis Honor ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

Wrath of the Lich King Raid Progression[]

25 Man Raid Dungeons[]

Wrath of the Lich King 25-Man Raid Progression


Obsidian Sanctum

Sanctum - Hard Mode





Frostwyrm Lair

The Eye of Eternity

25-Man Guild Progress - Top 10[]

Guild Obsidian Sanctum Hard Mode Plague Quarter Arachnid Quarter Military Quarter Construct Quarter Frostwyrm Lair Eye of Eternity
HordeCrimson Fury Cleared With Two Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceUnrest Cleared With Three Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeAltered Existence Cleared - Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceSalus Novas Cleared With Three Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceRelentless Cleared With Three Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
AlliancePhalanax Cleared With One Drake Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared -
HordeVictis Honor Cleared With Two Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceWasted Epics Cleared With Two Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceDazed & Amused Cleared - Cleared Cleared Cleared - - -
AllianceUnity Cleared With Three Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeThe Kartel Cleared With Two Drakes Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared -

Burning Crusade - Top 10 Guild Progression[]

Cataclysm Cataclysm Realm First! ACHIEVEMENTS[]

Note that many of the character links will not work at some point after the expansion as players request server transfers or name changes. However, the listing still serves as a history of Cataclysm Realm First! achievements on Bladefist. There are no Realm First! Race achievements for Cataclysm.

Realm First! LEVEL 85[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve level 85:

IconSmall Gnome Female Warrior Cattbutz

Realm First! CLASSES[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve level 85 with the following Classes:

Realm First! PROFESSIONS[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve 525 skill in the following Professions:




Realm First! GUILD[]

  • Guild Level 25: (To Be Determined)

First guild on the Bladefist Realm to guild level 25.

  • Working as a Team: (To Be Determined)

First guild on the Bladefist Realm to obtain 525 skill points in all professions and secondary professions.

Realm First! RAIDS[]

  • Nefarion: (To Be Determined)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Nefarion in Blackwing Descent without the assistance of any Keepers on Heroic Difficulty.

  • Sinestra: (To Be Determined)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.

  • Al'Akir: (To Be Determined)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Al'Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic Difficulty.

Wrath-Logo-Small Wrath of the Lich King Realm First! ACHIEVEMENTS[]

Note that many of the character links will not work at some point after the expansion as players request server transfers or name changes. However, the listing still serves as a history of Wrath of the Lich King Realm First! achievements on Bladefist.

Realm First! LEVEL 80[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve level 80:

IconSmall Human Female Mage Aniah

Realm First! RACES[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve level 80 with the following Races:

Realm First! CLASSES[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve level 80 with the following Classes:

Realm First! PROFESSIONS[]

First person on the Bladefist Realm to achieve 450 skill in the following Professions:




Realm First! REPUTATIONS[]

First player on the Bladefist Realm to gain exalted reputation with the Argent Crusade, Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor and Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Realm First! RAIDS[]

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Kel'Thuzad on Heroic Difficulty in Naxxramas.

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Malygos on Heroic Difficulty.

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Heroic Difficulty.

  • Death's Demise: (Unknown)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers on Heroic Difficulty.

  • Celestial Defender: (Unknown)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of Algalon the Observer on Heroic Difficulty.

  • Grand Crusader: (Unknown)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first conquest of Trial of the Grand Crusader with 50 attempts remaining on Heroic Difficulty.

  • Fall of the Lich King: (Unknown)

Participated in the Bladefist Realm first defeat of the Lich King on Heroic Difficulty.

Realm History[]

  • December 2006
    • There were frequent queues when the server first launched. The last new server launch took place in October so players were eager to start on new servers. In addition, the server was "Recommended" for a number of weeks after launch which aggravated the issue. This queues disappeared in time.
  • February 2007
    • Horde players found themselves in an empty realm. About 75% of the players were Alliance leaving Horde players with lag free gameplay at the cost of very few people to play with. However, the low server population also affected Alliance players too. Items were hard to find on the Auction House and instance groups were also hard to come by so players had a limited supply of items available to them.
  • April 2007
    • Knights of Shadow disbands. UNITY is formed.
  • May 2007
    • Mass Exodus from Bladefist-Alliance side. Phoenix disbands, many transfer. Judgement moves to Moonrunner, and guild leader quits game, leaving an opportunity for Unrest to take the lead in Karazhan progression. Salvation and Unrest are currently the two most dominant guilds on the server.
  • June 2007
    • Realm Transfers are in! With the incoming players Salvation proceeds to demolish King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair, later to also take down Gruul. Salvation also takes Netherspite in their sweeping wave of destruction, the fastest progression known to Bladefist since Invictus took BWL and shook its very foundations. Karazhan groups are becoming more plentiful as the time goes on, with many of them taking Maiden and beyond in the home of Medivh. Things are looking better for Bladefist as we await to see what time has in store.
  • August 2007
    • Top guild on Alliance and Horde (Salvation/Exodus, respectively) fall apart and reform under new names (Vindication/Resilience, respectively) causing progression to stumble again. Unrest seizes the lead in progression by knocking out the Loot Reaver.
  • October 2007
    • Vindication begins to push in to the real progression of SSC and downs Hydross and Tidewalker, Meanwhile Horde side more guild break ups and shake ups occur: Blood Ocean splits, and several other smaller guild working to get in to karazhan stumble and fall spliting and joining in to the larger guilds. Resilience slowly leading the horde side progression with Lurker and Loot Reaver downed, but with a few up and coming guilds with eyes squarely on the progression prize.
    • Legacy merges with UNITY
  • November 2007
    • TheStrikeTeam disbands and THE REPLACEMENTS is formed from the remaining members. Divinity also disbands entirely, with no word of reformation from members. On Horde Side, Facta Non Verba and Omen make their alliance known. Omen acting as the full raiding guild and Facta focusing on preparation for raiding players and the leveling of alts. Blood and Thunder dissolves. The small horde guild with a big heart, was unable to find balance with casual play and progression towards end-game.
  • January 2008
    • After Unrest's server first kill of Lady Vashj, several Vindication members leave for Stormrage US after Gimped ninja looted their guild bank. This opens the door for Unrest to continue leading the server raid progression.
  • February 2008
    • The Canadians, Eh splits into two guilds, forming I Am Canadian for raiding, with casual members staying in original guild.
    • Evocation merges with Dancing Divas.
  • March 2008
    • Resilience disbands, and most of the members leave to join Altered Existence.(AE) quickly clears through all of ssc downing Lady Vashj by early March (still working on Kael'thas). A few other Horde guilds break into the t5 raiding scene with Facta non Verba at scc 2/6 tk 1/4. Cataclysm and Only the Strong both downing VR and Amaze hot on their heels. Alliance progression is much the same with Unrest downing Lady Vashj. Vindication is still working on it.
    • The guild Unmet Expectations is folded into the guild The Ardent Guard grant their members access to end-game content and prevent further break up of the guild.
  • April 2008
    • Bladefist braces for the arrival of the Champions of Gabriel (CoG), a transfer from the realm Norgannon. According to forum posts, CoG has decided to come to Bladefist and "steal" the server firsts on the Council and Illidan.
    • The Champions of Gabriel coming to Bladefist turns out to be a hoax. Unrest downed Kael'Thas for the server first. Relentless downs Vashj, two days later Vindication downs her too. With in the next week UNITY had also downed Vashj.
  • June 2008
    • Unsuccessful alliance between Gosu and Dancing Divas ends with Dancing Divas losing several raiders and having to rebuild.
    • Crimson Fury (H) downs Illidan Stormrage <The Betrayer>. June 29, 2008 - Server First.
  • July 2008
    • The guild Avatars of Pain disbands after the upper officers decide to discontinue play. Most of the remaining members join the guild Seraphim.
    • Crimson Fury (H) defeats Kalecgos of Sunwell Plateau.
  • August 2008
    • The guild Seraphim is folded into the guild The Ardent Guard to grant their members access to end-game content.
  • September 2008
    • UNITY downs Archimonde.
  • October 2008
    • Crimson Fury (H) Guild Leadership Changed. New guild web site launched.
    • A rift forms in the guild Vindication. As a result, the guild Tenacity is formed.
    • UNITY defeats The Illidari Council and Illidan.
    • Crimson Fury (H) defeats Kil'Jaeden of Sunwell Plateau. Legendary Bow: Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury to Nolyn of Crimson Fury. October 29, 2008.
    • Unrest (A) defeats Kil'Jaeden of Sunwell Plateau. October 30, 2008.
  • November 2008
    • The guild Final D and Vindication merge to form Phalanx.

