This article is an information page for the Chamber of Aspectsrealm (server)
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
The namesake of the realm is the Chamber of Aspects, a secret chamber where the five great Dragon Aspects would convene whenever they wished to meet. In The Demon Soul, book two of the War of the Ancients Trilogy, it was here that Neltharion revealed the Demon Soul, his solution to ending the invasion of the Burning Legion and urged the other Aspects as well as their flights to give up a portion of their essences to power it. Unknowing of his plan, they did so — and enslaved themselves to Neltharion's will.
Server went live on: 22/11/2008 Census+ data for 5 Mar - 4 Apr 2010: