This article is an information page for the Dalaran realm (server) The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
This article is about the Dalaran US server. Dalaran is one of the originally released servers. Dalaran's clock is set to the Eastern time zone.
Dalaran Discord Server: kxUcQ6z
- See also: Realm Forum, Guild Progression, City:Dalaran, Server:Dalaran Europe.
Rampage (US) » | |
PvPNemesis †
† Brazilian servers |
- Acceptable Losses
- Æthereal
- Alliance in Defiance
- Black Dragon Elite
- Bloodguard Redemption
- Blurred Reality
- Bushido
- Clatto Verata Nicto
- Crimson Death
- Darkmoon
- Deities and Demigods
- Downfall
- Eminence website
- E Tenebris Lux
- Friendship Seven
- Gaia
- Heart of Redemption
- Heroes of the Command
- Heroes of Gilneas
- Khagan
- Knights of Other Realms
- Left Hand Voodoo
- Lucid Silence website
- Might and Magic
- Moment of Silence
- Natural Affinity
- Nullus Secundus
- Phalanx of Nod website
- Platinum Lords
- Puppeteers
- Rabid Pandas
- Real Men of Genius
- Requital
- Rise of the Phoenix, website
- Soldiers for Eternity
- Spartans website
- Tears Of Fate
- Templars Illuminati
- The Oath
- Transcendents
- Visions of Chaos