Draenor, named for the lost homeworld of the Orcs and Draenei, is a PvE realm in the Pacific time zone. Draenor is in Battlegroup US Cyclone.
Cyclone (US) » | |
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- Black Lace (website)
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- flyingninjamonkeysofdoom (website)
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- Guardians of Arathor
- Heavens Fallen (website)
- Hoss (website)
- Hunters Of The Moon (website)
- In Dark Faith Eternal (website)
- IDontWantToJoinYourGuild (website)
- Illuminati (website)
- Knights of Revolution (website)
- Little Urban Elites (website)
- Maelstrom
- Marginal Heroes (website)
- Mercs of Chaos & Apocalypse
- Minions of the Alliance
- Mythic Guard
- Mythos (website)
- Noobs en Fuego (website)
- Organized Confusion (website)
- Pallys Cant Heal (website)
- Relentless (website)
- Reprisal (website)
- Resonant Horizon (website)
- Silver Dawn (website)
- Sodality of the Constant (website)
- The Agency (website)
- The Allegiance (forums)
- The Forsaken (website)
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- We Wipe On Trash (website)
- Blood Brothers
- Built Horde Tough (website)
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- Dark Redemption
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- Easily Amused (website)
- eXtinction Services (website)
- Freedom
- Grimhorn Tribe (website)
- HellRaizers
- House Harkonnen
- Infliction (website)
- Invictus (website)
- Kings Of Nordic Twilight (website)
- Left Hand Black (website)
- Lords of Khaos
- Midnight Eclipse (website)
- Mushroom Marauders (website)
- My Gear is Red (website)
- One Dragon a Day (website)
- Order of Erebus (website)
- | Requiem | (website)
- Revenge of Hera (website)
- Shadow Horde
- Shadows and Dust (website)
- Spirits Of Power (website)
- The Midnight Order (website)
- Trial and Error (website)
- Triumvirate (website)
- Trouble (website)
- Val Haru (website)
- Vector
- Wrath (website)
Draenor Master Crafter List[]
This information is currently being revamped and moved over to the Crafting Page.
Armor, Head
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Sylvan Crown] | Deadsticki |
Armor, Shoulders
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Argent Shoulders] | Arlin, Baldwin, Deadsticki, Dewlocks, Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Tealsky, Jadow, Nakial, Deadsticki | Xtramierda, Caecusnex |
[Flarecore Mantle] | Amily, Celillenna, Electrismoon, Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Sinlaael, Veneficus, Tealsky, Jadow, Nakial, Deadsticki | Blightedbeef, Bobtheorc, Kansi, Rathen, Tivadir |
[Mantle of the Timbermaw] | Jayna, Lonskils, Pusharvi, Tealsky, Nakial | Tivadir |
[Sylvan Shoulders] | Jax, Tulipscent, Jadow, Nakial, Vyxia, Deadsticki | Boal, Kansi, Skullfiend |
Armor, Chest
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Bloodvine Vest] | Deadsticki, Jax, Lonskils, Tulipscent, Jadow, Nakial, Miracle | Tivadir, Kansi |
[Flarecore Robe] | Amily, Baldwin, Celillenna, Electrismoon, Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Sinlaael, Tealsky, Veneficus,Jadow, Nakial, Deadsticki | Blightedbeef, Bobtheorc, Kansi, Rathen, Sarcophilia, Tivadir |
[Glacial Vest] | Jax, Silidaris, Jadow | |
[Mooncloth Robe] | Arlin, Baldwin, Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Rakuras, Sinlaael, Veneficus, Yuka, Jadow, Nakial | Adaryllis, Blightedbeef, Infected, Jobu, Kansi, Rathen, Sarcophilia, Caecusnex |
[Robe of Winter Night] | Amily, Jax, Jayna, Jermace, Lonskils, Deadsticki | Tivadir, Xtramierda |
[Robes of Arcana] | Jax, Jayna, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Sinlaael, Ukchan, Yuka | Blightedbeef, Infected, Ladyleelloo |
[Sylvan Vest] | Jax, Jadow, Vyxia, Deadsticki | Kansi |
Armor, Cloak
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Cindercloth Cloak] | Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Sinlaael, Nakial, Deadsticki | Kansi |
[Cloak of Fire] | Arlin, Deadsticki, Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Shazbot, Nakial | Adaryllis, Blightedbeef, Drahcon, Rathen, Xtramierda |
[Cloak of Warding] | Deadsticki, Jayna, Lonskils, Miracle, Yuka | Ataal, Blightedbeef, Jobu, Kansi, Ladyleelloo |
[Gaea's Embrace] | Jax, Jadow, Vyxia | Kansi |
[Glacial Cloak] | Jax, Silidaris, Jadow |
Armor, Wrists
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Flarecore Wraps] | Baldwin, Celillenna, Electrismoon, Jax, Jayna, Lonskils, Tealsky, Jadow, Deadsticki | Llama, Tivadir, Kansi |
[Glacial Wrists] | Jax, Silidaris, Deadsticki, Jadow |
Armor, Waist
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Belt of the Archmage] | Jax, Jayna, Keysersozevk, Lonskils, Tealsky, Miracle | Kansi |
[Wisdom of the Timbermaw] | Jayna, Lonskils, Norber, Pusharvi, Tealsky, Yuka, Jadow | Blightedbeef, Kansi, Rathen, Xtramierda |
Armor, Legs
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Bloodvine Leggings] | Deadsticki, Jax, Lonskils, Miracle, Tulipscent, Jadow, Nakial | Boal, Tivadir, Kansi |
[Flarecore Leggings] | Baldwin, Electrismoon, Jax, Jayna, Lonskils, Pepin, Jadow, Miracle | Tivadir |
[Mooncloth Leggings] | Baldwin, Jax, Jayna, Lonskils, Miracle, Norber, Pepin, Rakuras | Adaryllis, Blightedbeef, Infecte |
Armor, Boots
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Argent Boots] | Arlin, Baldwin, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Moranaris, Norber, Pepin, Veneficus, Tealsky, Yuka, Jadow, Nakial, Deadsticki | Blightedbeef, Kansi, Rathen, Xtramierda, Caecusnex |
[Bloodvine Boots] | Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Miracle, Pusharvi, Tealsky, Tulipscent, Jadow, Nakial | Boal, Kansi, Tivadir, Xtramierda |
[Mooncloth Boots] | Jax, Jayna, Jedivh, Lonskils, Norber, Pepin, Rakuras, Tealsky, Yuka, Nakial | Blightedbeef, Kansi, Rathen |
Item | Alliance | Horde |
[Big Bag of Enchantment] | Jax, Lonskils, Myndor | Kansi |
[Bottomless Bag] | Jax, Jorune, Lonskils, Tealsky, Constance | |
[Cenarion Herb Bag] | Amily, Jadow, Jax, Lonskils, Tulipscent, Widgetswork, Nakial, Miracle, Vyxia | Xtramierda, Kansi |
[Core Felcloth Bag] | Deadsticki, Jax, Jayna, Lonskils, Miracle, Pepin, Tealsky, Widgetswork | Xtramierda |
[Enchanted Runecloth Bag] | Amily, Jadow, Jax, Lonskils, Miracle, Pepin, Nakial | Blightedbeef, Sarcophilia, Xtramierda, Kansi |
[Satchel of Cenarius] | Jadow, Lonskils, Vyxia | Kansi |