http://www.legacyguild.eu - PvE - International
http://www.providence-guild.net - PvE - International
-The Untouchable
http://forum.untouchable-guild.eu - PvE - International
http://ely.guildlaunch.com/ - PvE - International
-Carpe Jugulum
http://www.cjguild.com/ - PvE - International
-Night Sentinels
http://www.nightsentinels.com/ - PvE - International
-Legio Sanctus
http://www.legiosanctus.eu/ - PvE - International
-Die Horde
http://www.mtgeurope.com/ - PvE - International
-Mostly Harmless
http://www.mostly-harmless.org/ - PvE - International
-Ace of Hearts
http://www.ace-ofhearts.com - PvE - International
http://www.anguishguild.net/index.php - PvE - English
-CZ and SK United
http://czsk.elusion.sk - PvE - International
http://mythology.guildportal.com - PvE - International
-Phoenix Legends
http://www.phoenixlegends.dk - PvE - International
-Pheonix Society'
http://phoenix-society.guildomatic.com - PvE - International
-Northstar Legion (One of the Oldest Guild alive)
http://www.northstar-alliance.net - PvE - International
http://www.wow-continuum.eu/ - PvE - International
-Entropy (Active, 2012)
http://entropy-guild.110mb.com/ - PvE - International
-Jokers and Smokers
http://www.jokers-and-smokers.eu - PvE - International
-Brave Hearts
http://www.bravehearts.sk -PvE - Cz/Sk
-Evocati (Disbanded)
http://www.evocati-guild.com - PvE - International
-Shadow Moon
http://www.shadowmoon.cz - PvE - Cz/Sk
-Malice (Disbanded)
http://www.wow-malice.com - PvE - International
-Intuition - Disbanded
http://intuition.phpbb24.com/index.php - PvE - International
-Limited (Disbanded)
http://limited.smirak.net - PvE - Cz/Sk
-DarkElite (Disbanded)
http://www.darkelite-tr.com - PvE - Turkish
http://www.wowbeykoz.com - PvP - Turkish
- Duck of Doom
http://duckofdoom.guildlaunch.com/ - PvE - International
http://legie-wow.cz/ - PvE / PvP - Cz/Sk
-AFKhaos (Disbanded, Currently an Alt storing guild, 2,5 years old)
http://www.flytelo.co.uk/afkhaos/html/index.php?name=PNphpbb2 - PvE - International
-Crit Happens - (Disbanded)
http://www.crit-happens.net - PvE - International
-Orgrimmar Merchants - (Active, 2012)
http://orgrimmar.guildlaunch.com - PvE - International