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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realms: Bloodscalp US, Boulderfist US, Maiev US, Stonemaul US
Spell nature earthbindCyclone (US) »


Dunemaul is a PVP Server with an extremely high population of Horde players.

First to 60: Frosted Gnome Mage

First to 70: Ariok Human Mage

First to 80: Ashleih Tauren Druid

First Sulfuras: Vengeance

First Thunderfury: Vesian

First Atiesh: Zuriell Draenei Priest

First Warglaive of Azzinoth Set: Blueman Night Elf Rogue

First Thori'dal: Khuros

First Val'anyr: Zylon

Ulduar Guild Progression[]

The following tables represent the progression of the server. The bosses listed are the bosses you have downed not bosses you are currently working on, and they represent the most difficult boss to have been killed according to the line of progression listed below. Bosses in Italics were killed in a different order than the one listed below.

This information is maintained by Shoopdawoop of Assent, feel free to modify the page to add new kills and guilds if it becomes outdated, or contact me with any suggestions.

25 Man Raid Dungeons[]



The Siege of Ulduar

The Antechamber of Ulduar

The Keepers of Ulduar

The Descent into Madness

Algalon the Observer

Horde Crest Horde Guilds[]

Guild The Siege The Antechamber The Keepers The Descent Algalon
HordeAssent Cleared (Hard) Cleared (Hard) Cleared (Hard) Cleared (Hard) Cleared
HordeOGC Cleared (Hard) Cleared Thorim (Hard) Cleared -
HordeMalevolency Cleared (Hard) Cleared Cleared Cleared -
HordeOnibatsu Cleared (Hard) Cleared Cleared Cleared -
HordeThe Grass is Greener Cleared (Hard) Cleared Cleared Cleared -
HordeOutrage Flame Leviathan (Hard) Cleared Cleared Cleared -
HordeSerious Business Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared -
HordeDignitas Cleared Cleared Cleared - -
HordeSavagery Cleared Cleared Cleared - -
HordePrincipality of Zeon Cleared Cleared Freya - -
HordeDisdain Cleared Cleared Freya - -
HordeAmicì Cleared Cleared Thorim - -
HordeXXV Cleared Cleared Thorim - -
HordeStop QQ Cleared Cleared Thorim - -
HordeRíot Cleared Cleared Thorim - -
HordeChildren of Patria Cleared Cleared Hodir - -
HordeThe Establishment XT-002 Deconstructor Cleared Freya - -

HordeThe Haze Cleared Cleared - - -
HordeScoundrels of Cydonia Cleared - - - -
HordeBrauheist XT-002 Deconstructor - - - -

Alliance Crest Alliance Guilds[]

Guild The Siege The Antechamber The Keepers The Descent Algalon
AllianceAter Latus Cleared (Hard) Cleared (Hard) Thorim (Hard) General (Hard) -
AllianceInsurrection Cleared (Hard) Cleared (Hard) Thorim (Hard) General (Hard) -
AllianceBlacklist Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared -
AllianceEximos Cleared Cleared Cleared General Vezax -
AlliancePandora XT-002 Deconstructor Cleared Freya, Thorim - -
AllianceForged From Stone Cleared Cleared Cleared General -
AllianceThe Highland Army Cleared Cleared - - -
AllianceDawn of Serenity Cleared Cleared Cleared - -
AllianceOrdinary Heroes Cleared Cleared Cleared - -
AllianceRelapse Cleared The Iron Council - - -

Wrath of the Lich King Guild Progression[]

See Server:Dunemaul US/WOTLKProgression

The Burning Crusade Guild Progression[]

See Server:Dunemaul US/BCProgression
