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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realms: Spinebreaker US, Wildhammer US, Gorefiend US

This article is an information page for the Eredar realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Spell shadow scourgebuildShadowburn (US) »
PvPTol Barad
Brazilian servers

Eredar is a PvP Server (Realm) located in the Eastern US Timezone.

The Eredar Forum: wow-realm-eredar

Guilds of the Realm: Eredar[]

WARNING: Massive overhaul of the Guild Listing. If your guild is missing feel free to add to it. This was much preferred over having hundreds of now defunct guilds listed


As of 3/21/10

Horde Horde[]

As of 3/21/10

ICC25 Normal Mode progression[]

Guild Icecrown Citadel 25 - Normal mode
The Lower Spire The Plagueworks The Crimson Hall Frostwing Halls The Frozen Throne
Lord Marrowgar Lady Deathwhisper Gunship Battle Deathbringer Saurfang Festergut Rotface Professor Putricide Blood Prince Council Blood-Queen Lana'thel Valithria Dreamwalker Sindragosa The Lich King
Alliance Scions of Destiny Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Alliance Another Late Night Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Alliance Harmless Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Alliance Perfect Insanity Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone
Alliance Perseverance Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done Undone Undone
Alliance MYTH inc Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done Undone Undone
Alliance Evolution Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done Undone Undone
Horde LICIOUS ONLY Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done
Horde Months Behind Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Horde Capital Vices Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Horde Nocturnal Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone
Horde Final Empire Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done Undone Undone
Horde Unstable Addiction Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done Undone Undone
Horde Whiskey Brigade Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone Undone Undone