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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realm Scarlet Crusade US

This article is an information page for the Feathermoon realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Spell holy blessingofstrengthReckoning (US) »

Feathermoon is a US-based role-playing (RP) World of Warcraft server.

About Feathermoon[]

Shandris Feathermoon smaller

Shandris Feathermoon, General of the Sentinel forces.

Feathermoon server time is equal to North American Pacific time, which is UTC-08:00 (-07:00 during Daylight Savings Time) and was one of the realms available at the initial retail release of World of Warcraft.

Feathermoon is part of the Cyclone battlegroup.

At the release of the Burning Crusade, players on Feathermoon were offered a free server transfer to Rexxar (PvE) before paid transfers were implemented, and free server transfers to Sisters of Elune (RP) and The Scryers (RP) after paid transfers were implemeneted.

Origination of the Feathermoon name[]

The realm is named after Shandris Feathermoon, General of the Sentinel forces, second only to Tyrande Whisperwind. Feathermoon also refers to the island stronghold she commands west of Feralas.

Useful links[]


Server Information[]

Forums and Chat[]

Realm Status[]


Art Pages[]

  • DEVART: Ahka Jadehoof Site
  • PHOTOBUCKET: Ceil Nightfury -- Page
  • Azi Do-rah'fulo Journal Site
  • DEVART: Xyne Site

Public Channels[]

To join any of these Channels, simply enter "/join x" into the textbox, where x is the channel name. For example, "/join LMC".

Alliance Horde GlobalChat - OOC global chat channel for the gamers of Feathermoon.

Alliance Lore - OOC lore discussion.

Alliance Paladin - IC Paladin discussion and RP.

Alliance Warrior - OOC Warrior discussion. Modorated by Fallidor.

Alliance PQ - IC channel is devoted to quests run by players.

Alliance Horde SWU - IC discussion and RP related to Stormwind University.

Horde FMScience - OOC geekery aboundeth. Biology, chemistry, particle physics, etc. Plus we have Samhuinn (not guaranteed).

Alliance TriviaGame - OOC trivia funtime goodness.

Alliance Horde FMNetOOC - OOC channel with the friendly, helpful people of

Horde Horde - OOC A channel aimed at supplimenting World Defense coordination for all interested members of the Horde -- better communicaton equals better defense!

Recurring Events[]


In-game event calendar in action

In the lands of Azeroth, there is much to do, even when not doing battle with murlocs or collecting gooey spider legs. To help people find something fun and exciting to do, the below guides and addons have been developed to assist:
