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This article is an information page for the Frostwolf realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Guild list[]

Alliance Alliance[]

Horde Horde[]

  • note: Some guilds could not be added due to a spam filter.

Chat Server[]

PvE Progression[]

Listed by furthest boss killed. Guilds listed here are currently active in Tier 5 and Beyond.

# of Kills[]

Kill Summary (Updated March 16th, 2008) (includes guilds that are no longer raiding)

Boss AllianceAlliance HordeHorde Total
Illidan Stormrage 4 3 7
Archimonde 7 7 14
Kael'thas Sunstrider 12 9 21
Lady Vashj 14 9 22


Alliance Alliance
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Alliance Steel Talon Knights Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Kil'Jaeden
Alliance SiNS Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage M'uru
Alliance Harbingers of Lloth Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Brutallus
Alliance Serenity Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Kalecgos
Alliance Crusade Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Kil'Jaeden
Alliance Haste Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Brutallus
Alliance Tunare Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Azgalor Reliquary of Souls
Alliance Dark Front Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Shade of Akama
Alliance World Famous Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Kaz'rogal Shade of Akama
Alliance Saint Ares Gruul the Dragonkiller Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Anetheron
Alliance Sun Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Rage Winterchill
Alliance WiLD Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Rage Winterchill
Alliance Teh Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj High Astromancer Solarian Azgalor
Alliance The Brotherhood Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Al'ar
Alliance Serenity Lite Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Leotheras the Blind Al'ar
Alliance Gnerds Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Leotheras the Blind High Astromancer Solarian
Alliance Wook Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Hydross the Unstable High Astromancer Solarian
Alliance Lost Prophets Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon The Lurker Below High Astromancer Solarian
Alliance Edge of Madness Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Hydross the Unstable Void Reaver


Horde Horde
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Horde Shadows of the Horde Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Brutallus
Horde Narnia Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Kalecgos
Horde The Fallen Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage
Horde Tang Dynasty Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage
Horde Rebourne Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Felmyst
Horde Destiny Fulfilled Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage
Horde Warfare Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Archimonde Illidan Stormrage -bgcolor=#462D2D Horde GLM Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Azgalor Shade of Akama
Horde Pick up Group Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Sunstrider Azgalor Supremus
Horde Herd of Squirrels Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Leotheras the Blind Al'ar
Horde Get Lucky Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Leotheras the Blind Al'ar
Horde Casual Corps Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Leotheras the Blind Al'ar
Horde LandOWNED Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Hydross the Unstable Al'ar
Horde Brothers in Arms Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon Lurker Below Void Reaver

Pre-BC Progression[]

Naxx not listed yet because I'm hella lazy.

# of Kills[]

Kill Summary (Updated August 14th, 2007)

Boss AllianceAlliance HordeHorde Total
Kel'Thuzad 0 0 0
C'thun 1 1 2
Nefarian 13 7 19
Ragnaros 13 8 20
Onyxia 13 8 20


Alliance Alliance
Guild Molten Core Onyxia's Lair Blackwing Lair Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Alliance Harbingers of Lloth Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian C'Thun (3,O)
Alliance Ad Hoc Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance Dark Front Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance Neo Vortex Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance Steel Talon Knights Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance Airhawk Alliance/Sun Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance The Extremist Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance The Vagrants Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance World Famous Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Alliance Veiled Eclipse/Release Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran (3)
Alliance oN Deck Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran (3)
Alliance SiNS Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran (3)
Alliance New Horizon Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Fankriss the Unyielding (3)


Horde Horde
Guild Molten Core Onyxia's Lair Blackwing Lair Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Horde GLM Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3,O)
Horde Shadows of the Horde Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian C'Thun (3,O)
Horde Raven Ash Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3,O)
Horde The Fallen Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3,O)
Horde Pick Up Group Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Horde Tang Dynasty Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (3)
Horde Soul Crusher Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Fankriss the Unyielding (3)
Horde Rebourne Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian

Faces of Frostwolf (Horde)

Santamaycry - Dbagging it up 24/7/365

Frostwolf | WOTLK | Change of pace[]

Frostwolf went into the xpac (WoTLk) with alliance on top (STK) 

server firsts included

sarth 3D 25 (HoL 10 man)
Malygos achievements (pre nerf)


Ulduar was the same as the start of the xpac. STK spent countless hours right away progressing through the instance acquiring every server first non hard mode kill. Not much changed at the start of hard modes, tho STK was beat to the server first hard mode (Hodir) By HoL. Stk acquired server first..

  • HM XT
  • HM Thorim

The following server first went as following

  • 4 tower flame : Shadows of The Horde
  • Iron council : Narnia
  • Hodir : HoL
  • Freya: Warfare
  • Mimiron : Rebourne
  • General : Warfare
  • Yogg 1 light : Ebayed raiders
  • Algalon : Ebayed raiders
  • Yogg 0 : Ebayed raiders
  • Completed drakes : Rebourne

Trial of the crusade[]

The start of the trial was alot different. Horde proved themself able to keep with alliance and eventually surpassed them on all progression, Server first hard mode kills went as the following:

  • Beasts : HoL
  • Jaraxxus : HoL
  • Champs : Ebayed raiders
  • Twins : HoL
  • anub : Warfare
  • Tribute to skill : Warfare
  • Tribute to mad skill : Warfare
  • Tribute to insanity : Warfare


will update
