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EU-Gilneas (PvE-Server)[]

Gilneas is a First-Generation Server and it was also the first european PVE-Server which finished the Ahn'Qiraj War Effort and the first european Server overall which finished The Battle for Sun's Reach.

Onyxia's Lair[]

The first Onyxia kills for Alliance and Horde were by ST.A.R. (Storm Alliance Raid Group) † and Memento Mori †, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Memento Mori † on 2005/06/04

Molten Core[]

The first Ragnaros kills for Alliance and Horde were by ST.A.R. (Storm Alliance Raid Group) † and Memento Mori †, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Memento Mori † on 2005/07/28

Blackwing Lair[]

The first Nefarian kills for Alliance and Horde were by ST.A.R. (Storm Alliance Raid Group) † and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by ST.A.R. † on 2005/11/17


The first C'Thun kills by Alliance and Horde was by ImmortalSunrise and MooN respectively. First Server Kill was done by ImmortalSunrise on 2006/05/29


The first Kel'Thuzad kills by Alliance was by ImmortalSunrise respectively. First Server Kill was done by ImmortalSunrise on 2007/01/10

Gruul's Lair[]

The first Gruul the Dragonkiller kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and Immolate, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/03/18

Magtheridon's Lair[]

The first Magtheridon kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/04/01

Serpentshrine Cavern[]

The first Lady Vashj kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/06/17

The Eye (Tempest Keep)[]

The first Kael'thas Sunstrider kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/07/31

Battle of Mount Hyjal[]

The first Archimonde kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/09/13


Gilneas fsk Mmony

Onyxia First Server Kill by Memento Mori †

Gilneas fsk Mmrag2wu8

Ragnaros First Server Kill by Memento Mori †

Gilneas fsk nefstar

Nefarian First Server Kill by ST.A.R. †

Gilneas eu Cthun fsk is

C'Thun First Server Kill by ImmortalSunrise

Gilneas fsk kelIS

Kel'Thuzad First Server Kill by ImmortalSunrise

Gilneas eu gruul down senseless

Gruul First Server Kill by Senseless

Gilneas eu magtheridon down senseless

Magtheridon First Server Kill by Senseless

Gilneas eu vashj down senseless

Lady Vashj First Server Kill by Senseless

Gilneas eu kael down senseless

Kael'thas Sunstrider First Server Kill by Senseless

Gilneas eu archimonde down senseless

Archimonde First Server Kill by Senseless

Alliance Alliance Alliance Achievement pvp a 14 [Grand Marshal] Players[]

  • Achor, Paladin
  • Aerowen, Warrior
  • Alviko, Rogue
  • Battleangel, Warrior
  • Calrissian, Mage
  • Inwe, Hunter
  • Lanah, Hunter
  • Minx, Paladin (First Alliance Rank 14 Player)
  • Miracoulix, Druid
  • Nephthys, Hunter
  • Sethanon, Warrior
  • Twilight, Warrior
  • Whitefox, Warrior
  • Wynne, Warlock
  • Yook, Mage

Horde Horde Horde Achievement pvp h 14 [High Warlord] Players[]

  • Blazze, Rogue
  • Celice, Priest
  • Chainsaw, Hunter
  • Conyc, Mage (First Horde Rank 14 Player)
  • Cón, Warrior (Last Horde Rank 14 Player)
  • Duratos, Warrior
  • Goefaz, Warrior
  • Holówman, Warrior
  • Kima, Warrior
  • Reiti, Warrior

  • Note: Conyc is just a twink of Cón, he got 2 Rank 14 Characters.



The flag of Gilneas

Widely used forum for this server is (german only). The current instance progression of both Alliance and Horde can also be found there.
