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This article is an information page for the Greymane realm (server) The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
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PvPAzralon †
PvPTol Barad †
† Brazilian servers |
Greymane (PvE)[]
- Live Date: 6 August 2005
- Realm Type: PvE
- Realm Time: US Central
- Battlegroup: Shadowburn
- Activity Ratio (A:H): ~2.2:1
- Additonal Statistics
Guild List & Progression Threads[]
Greymane Crafting List[]
- Greymane Crafting can be found at: Greymane US/Crafting
- Crafting List Thread
Burning Crusade Server Firsts[]
Race Leaders
- Velen: Plan B
- Lor'themar Theron: Pretty lil Pwnies
World Bosses
- Doom Lord Kazzak: Crimson
- Doomwalker: Crimson
- High King Maulgar: Crimson
- Gruul: Crimson
- Attumen the Huntsman & Midnight: Crimson : VN
- Moroes: Crimson : VN
- Maiden of Virtue: Crimson : VN
- Wizard of Oz: Crimson : VN
- The Big Bad Wolf: Crimson : VN
- Romulo & Julianne: Crimson : VN
- The Curator: Crimson : VN
- Terestian Illhoof: Crimson
- Shade of Aran: Crimson
- Netherspite: Crimson
- Nightbane: Crimson
- Prince Malchezaar: Crimson
- Hydross the Unstable: Crimson
- Leotheras the Blind: Crimson
- Fathom-Lord Karathress: Crimson
- Morogrim Tidewalker: Crimson
- The Lurker Below: Crimson
- Lady Vashj: Crimson
- Al'ar: Crimson
- Void Reaver : Crimson
- High Astromancer Solarian: Crimson (US Alliance 2nd)
- Kael'thas Sunstrider: Crimson
- Rage Winterchill: Crimson
- Anetheron: Crimson
- Kaz'rogal: Crimson
- Azgalor: Crimson
- Archimonde: Crimson
- High Warlord Naj'entus: Crimson
- Supremus: Crimson
- Shade of Akama: Crimson
- Teron Gorefiend: Crimson
- Gurtogg Bloodboil: Crimson
- Reliquary of Souls: Crimson
- Mother Shahraz: Crimson
- Illidari Council: Crimson
- Illidan Stormrage : Crimson
Pre-BC Server Firsts[]
World Bosses
- Azuregos: Exousia
- Kazzak: Dreadnaught
- Emeriss: Crimson
- Lethon: Crimson
- Taerar: Crimson
- Ysondre: Crimson
Race Leaders
- King Magni Bronzebeard: The Afflicted
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon: The Afflicted
- Tyrande Whisperwind: The Afflicted
- High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque: The Afflicted
- Archdruid Fandral Staghelm: The Afflicted
- Velen:
- Thrall: Crimson
- Cairne Bloodhoof: Crimson
- Sylvanas Windrunner: Crimson
- Shadowhunter Vol'jin: Crimson
- Lor'themar Theron:
- Onyxia: Crimson
Molten Core
- Lucifron:
- Magmadar:
- Gehennas:
- Garr:
- Baron Geddon:
- Shazzrah:
- Sulfuron:
- Golemagg:
- Majordomo:
- Ragnaros: Crimson
Blackwing Lair
- Razorgore: Crimson
- Vaelastrasz: Crimson
- Broodlord: Crimson
- Firemaw: Crimson
- Ebonroc: Crimson
- Flamegor: Crimson
- Chromaggus: Crimson
- Nefarian: Crimson
- Hakkar (1.9.3): Exousia
- Ossiran the Unscarred: Crimson
- The Prophet Skeram: Crimson
- Vem, Yauj and Kri: Crimson
- Battleguard Satura: Crimson
- Fankriss the Unyielding: Crimson
- Viscidus: Crimson
- Princess Huhuran: Crimson
- Twin Emperors: Crimson
- Ouro: Crimson
- C'thun: Crimson
Spider Wing
- Anub'Rekhan: Crimson
- Grand Widow Faerlina: Exousia
- Maexxna: Crimson
Deathknight Wing
- Instructor Razuvious: Exousia
- Gothik the Harvester: Crimson
- The Four Horsemen: Crimson
Plague Wing
- Noth the Plaguebringer: Crimson
- Heigan the Unclean: Crimson
- Loatheb: Crimson
Abomination Wing
Frostwyrm Lair
- Sapphiron: Crimson
- Kel'Thuzad: Phrimson (Crimson + Phoenix raid, post-BC)