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This article is an information page for the Haomarush realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.


Forum format the one Dya is editing. Haomarsh Rare craft Forum

Not Included:
>BoP crafted items.
>Profession restriction items.
>If something has more then 20 crafters from a certain side, it will be removed.

Some players may have quit wow or left the server but i checked that charcters exist.

Trade AlchemyAlchemy[]

Alchemy list

Trade BlackSmithingBlacksmithing[]

Blacksmithing list

Head AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv helmet 22 [Ragesteel Helm] Astennu Dolf
Inv helmet 08 [Helm of the Stalwart Defender] Devvie, Mackem Tyx, Haggra
Inv helmet 38 [Oathkeeper's Helm] - Haggra
Inv helmet 29 [Storm Helm] - Haggra, Dolf
Inv helmet 22 [Felsteel Helm] Astennu, Cubipie, Reekam Tyx, Dolf
Legs AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv pants plate 04 [Khorium Pants] Devvie -
Inv pants plate 06 [Felsteel Leggings] Astennu, Cubipie, Reekam Tyx, Haggra, Dolf
Boots AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv boots chain 01 [Khorium Boots] Astennu, Devvie -
Chest AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv chest chain 16 [Ragesteel Breastplate] - -
Inv chest plate11 [Adamantite Breastplate] Astennu Haggra
Hands AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv gauntlets 17 [Swiftsteel Gloves] - Dolf
Inv gauntlets 26 [Felfury Gauntlets] - Haggra, Dolf
Inv gauntlets 29 [Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] - Haggra
Inv gauntlets 29 [Steelgrip Gauntlets] Reekam Haggra
Inv gauntlets 26 [Ragesteel Gloves] Astennu Dolf
Inv gauntlets 29 [Felsteel Gloves] - Haggra, Dolf
Inv gauntlets 30 [Adamantite Plate Gloves] Astennu Haggra
Weapons AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Dirge] - Haggra, Dolf
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Eternium Runed Blade] - Haggra, Tyx
Inv axe 15 [Fel Edged Battleaxe] Devvie Haggra, Tyx
Inv hammer 17 [Fel Hardened Maul] Farek Haggra, Dolf
Inv sword 59 [Felsteel Longblade] - Haggra, Dolf
Inv axe 02 [Felsteel Reaper] - Haggra, Dolf
Inv mace 16 [Hand of Eternity] Chekov Haggra
Inv sword 08 [Khorium Champion] - Haggra
Inv hammer 09 [Runic Hammer] - Haggra, Dolf, Rottenflesh
Inv weapon shortblade 26 [Felsteel Whisper Knives] Astennu, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Wrists AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv bracer 07 [Black Felsteel Bracers] - -
Inv bracer 03 [Blessed Bracers] - Haggra
Inv bracer 06 [Bracers of the Green Fortress] Mackem Haggra
Inv bracer 07 [Adamantite Plate Bracers] Astennu Haggra
Misc AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv rod eternium [Eternium Rod] Astennu Haggra, Tyx, Dolf
Inv rod adamantite [Adamantite Rod] Astennu, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Greater Rune of Shielding Astennu -
Wrist AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv belt 11 [Khorium Belt] Astennu, Devvie -
Nature Resistance Gear AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv helmet 22 [Wildguard Helm] Astennu, Freiya, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Inv chest plate07 [Wildguard Breastplate] Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Inv pants plate 18 [Wildguard Leggings] Freiya, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Frost Resistance Gear AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv helmet 06 [Iceguard Helm] Astennu, Devvie, Frieya, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Inv chest plate11 [Iceguard Breastplate] Astennu, Devvie, Frieya, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf
Inv pants plate 10 [Iceguard Leggings] Astennu, Devvie, Frieya, Cubipie Haggra, Dolf

Trade EngravingEnchanting[]

Enchanting list

Cloak AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Spell holy greaterheal [Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance] Juzzo, Silvara, Rops Stratovarius, Afondo , Parrish
Spell holy greaterheal [Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance] Juzzo, Deraen Afondo, Parrish
Spell holy greaterheal [Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance] Ropsa, Blasphemy Afondo, Balthsar
Enchant Cloak - PvP Power Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Pyrenan, kashchey, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility Skully, Juzzo, Ailena, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Falamont, Balthsar, Parrish
Chest AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Mana - -
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats Juzzo, Ailena, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Balthsar, Parrish, Bambie
Enchant Chest - Major Resilience Juzzo, Silvara Balthsar
Enchant Chest - Major Spirit Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy, Deraen kashchey, Falamont, Parrish
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Balthsar, Parrish
Bracers AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Bracer - Spellpower Juzzo, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Stratovarius, Balthsar, Parrish, Bambie
Enchant Bracer - Fortitude Skully, Juzzo Stratovarius, Balthsar
Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime Ailena Balthsar
Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Stratovarius, kashchey, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Bracer - Greater Dodge Juzzo Falamont, Balthsar
Enchant Bracer - Stats Juzzo, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Bracer - Brawn Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Falamont, Balthsar, Parrish
Gloves AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Balthsar, kashchey, Su%!@a, Parrish, Bambie
Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike Skully, Juzzo, Ailena, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Balthsar
Enchant Gloves - Major Healing Skully,Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Gloves - Major Strength Skully,Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen kashchey, Balthsar
Boots AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Boots - Surefooted Iniq Balthsar
Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed - Parrish, Bambie
Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness Olovii, Silvara Bambie
Enchant Boots - Dexterity - Balthsar
Enchant Boots - Fortitude - -
Enchant Boots - Vitality Silvara Balthsar
Shield AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Spell holy greaterheal [Enchant Shield - Resistance] Ropsa Balthsar
Enchant Shield - Shield Block Skully -
Enchant Shield - Intellect Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Balthsar, Falamont
Enchant Shield - Major Stamina Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Falamont, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Shield - Tough Shield Skully, Juzzo, Blasphemy, Deraen Falamont, Balthsar
Weapon AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Weapon - Major Striking - Balthsar
Enchant Weapon - Sunfire - -
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose Silvara Zilfallon, Jedimaster
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost Silvara Dødskua
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility Ailena, Juzzo, Silvara Stratovarius, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Weapon - Major Healing Juzzo, Ailena, Silvara, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Deraen Stratovarius, Balthsar, Parrish, Bambie
Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy, Ropsa, Silvara, Deraen Stratovarius, Pyrenan, Balthsar, kashchey, Parrish
Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect Minimurhaaja, Ropsa Pyrenan, Balthsar, Parrish
Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster Ropsa Jedimaster
Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge Lovefur, Deraen Balthsar
Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery Minimurhaaja, Silvara, Deraen Balthsar, kashchey
Enchant Weapon - Potency Juzzo Balthsar, Tvär
Gems AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere] Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy Balthsar, kashchey
Inv enchant prismaticsphere [Prismatic Sphere] Skully, Ailena, Juzzo, Blasphemy Balthsar, kashchey, Falamont

Trade EngineeringEngineering[]

Engineering list

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv weapon rifle 13 [Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer] Cubipie Æs Cornellia
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Stabilized Eternium Scope] - Bubie, Æs Cornellia

INV Misc Gem 02Jewelcrafting[]

Jewelcrafting list

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv jewelry ring 63 [Arcane Khorium Band] - -
Inv crown 02 [Circlet of Arcane Might] - -
Inv crown 01 [Coronet of Verdant Flame] - -
Inv jewelry ring 68 [Ring of Arcane Shielding] - -
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Brutal Earthstorm Diamond] - -
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Relentless Earthstorm Diamond] - -
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond] - Parrish
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Destructive Skyfire Diamond] - Parrish
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Mystical Skyfire Diamond] - -

Trade LeatherWorkingLeatherworking[]

Leatherworking list

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv gauntlets 15 [Cobrascale Gloves] - Jinxter
Inv helmet 38 [Cobrascale Hood] - -
Inv boots chain 02 [Earthen Netherscale Boots] - -
Inv gauntlets 25 [Gloves of the Living Touch] - -
Inv helmet 32 [Hood of Primal Life] - Jinxter
Inv helmet 13 [Living Dragonscale Helm] - -
Inv gauntlets 05 [Netherdrake Gloves] - -
Inv helmet 06 [Netherdrake Helm] - -
Inv chest plate08 [Thick Netherscale Breastplate] - -
Inv helmet 29 [Windscale Hood] - Jinxter
Inv gauntlets 25 [Windslayer Wraps] - -
Inv gauntlets 10 [Windstrike Gloves] - -

Trade TailoringTailoring[]

Tailoring list

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Inv boots 07 [Arcanoweave Boots] Lovefur -
Inv chest cloth 01 [Arcanoweave Robe] Lovefur -
Inv helmet 70 [Battlecast Hood] Lovefur -
Inv pants cloth 12 [Battlecast Pants] - -
Inv belt 05 [Belt of the Long Road] - -
Inv bracer 10 [Bracers of Havok] Lovefur -
Inv misc cape 16 [Cloak of Arcane Evasion] Lovefur -
Inv misc cape 10 [Cloak of Eternity] - -
Inv misc cape 20 [Cloak of the Black Void] - -
Inv misc cape 17 [Gaea's Embrace] - -
Inv belt 13 [Girdle of Ruination] - -
Inv misc cape 16 [Glacial Cloak] - -
Inv misc cape 16 [Manaweave Cloak] Lovefur -
Inv misc cape 16 [Resolute Cape] - -
Inv helmet 27 [Spellstrike Hood] Lovefur -
Inv pants cloth 14 [Spellstrike Pants] - -
Inv gauntlets 17 [Soulcloth Gloves] Lovefur -
Inv shoulder 02 [Soulcloth Shoulders] Lovefur -
Inv chest cloth 12 [Soulcloth Vest] - -
Inv belt 03 [Unyielding Girdle] - -
Inv misc cape 18 [Vengeance Wrap] - -
Inv helmet 53 [Whitemend Hood] - -
Inv pants cloth 07 [Whitemend Pants] - -