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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realms: Blackwing Lair US, Dethecus US, Detheroc US, Lethon US, Shadowmoon US

This article is an information page for the Haomarush realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Spell shadow scourgebuildShadowburn (US) »
PvPTol Barad
Brazilian servers

Haomarush (US PvP Server)[]

See also

First Boss Kills[]


Lucifron Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Magmadar Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Gehennas Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Garr Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Shazzrah Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Baron Geddon Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Golemagg the Incinerator Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Sulfuron Harbinger Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Majordomo Executus Horde Crest Futile (3 min. before Impérium) Alliance Crest Stasis
Ragnaros Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Razorgore the Untamed Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Horde Crest Axis of Blood* Alliance Crest Stasis
Broodlord Lashlayer Horde Crest Axis of Blood* Alliance Crest Stasis
Nefarian Horde Crest Futile Alliance Crest Stasis

Burning Crusade[]

High King Maulgar Horde Crest Mace to the Face Alliance Crest Indecisive
Gruul the Dragonkiller Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Aggro
Magtheridon Horde Crest WNC Alliance Crest Stasis
Doom Lord Kazzak Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Doomwalker Horde Crest Mace to the Face Alliance Crest Driven
Hydross the Unstable Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Fathom-Lord Karathress Horde Crest Seven Alliance Crest Stasis
Morogrim Tidewalker Horde Crest Seven Alliance Crest Stasis
Leotheras the Blind Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
The Lurker Below Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Lady Vashj Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Al'ar Phoenix the God Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Void Reaver Horde Crest Seven Alliance Crest Lethal Synergy
High Astromancer Solarian Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Kael'Thas Sunstrider Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Rage Winterchill Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Anetheron Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Kaz'rogal Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Azgalor Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Archimonde Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
High Warlord Naj'entus Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Supremus Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Shade of Akama Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Teron Gorefiend Horde Crest Seven Alliance Crest Stasis
Gurtogg Bloodboil Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Reliquary of Souls Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Mother Shahraz Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Illidari Council Horde Crest Internecion Alliance Crest Stasis
Illidan Stormrage Horde Crest Biased Alliance Crest Stasis

Guilds of Haomarush[]

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Horde Crest Horde »

  • Futile - Website expired, guild merged with nonfactors to form Seven
  • Impérium - Website unknown, guild disbanded
  • Apocalypse - Website unknown, guild disbanded
  • TERROR - Website nonexistent, guild disbanded after failing to get any server first
  • Tuskarr and Wisdomcube's pvp guild, whatever that was called
  • Axis of Blood, BWL farming transfer guild from Laughing Skull (Blood or some %#@^ was their guild name there.) Still couldn't get nefarian down first though, eh?
  • Harrowed
  • Internecion
  • Kraklenheit Industries
  • Linkdead
  • Serpentera
  • The Kargatane
  • Unholy
  • Violent Arrogance
  • Cant Handle the Truth

External Links[]
