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PvEHyjal FR
FREN English language servers FR French language servers |
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This article is an information page for the Hyjal realm (server) The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Hyjal (French PVE)[]
Server First Kills[]
- Molten Core was first cleared by Memento Mori
- Blackwing Lair was first cleared by Warsong Fury
- Gates of Ahn'Qiraj were opened by Warsong Fury and Woot'n'Style. Géese
and Tompaï
were the bearers of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands.
- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was first cleared by Memento Mori on September 23. 2006 (Viscidus excepted)
- Naxxramas was never cleared pre-B.C.
- Anub'Rekan, Grand Widow Faerlina, Maexxna, Noth the Plaguebringer and Instructor Razuvious were first killed by Warsong Fury
- Patchwerk, Gluth and Thaddius were first killed by Memento Mori
- Heigan the Unclean and Grobbulus were first killed by Woot'n'Style
Post B.C. a 40-man raid composed of Memento Mori and Enjoy members went back to the citadel and downed Loatheb and the Four Horsemen,
leaving Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad untouched.
Horde side, Warsong Fury returned to Naxxramas and bring doom upon Kel'Thuzad
Burning Crusade[]
- Gruul's lair was first cleared on March 18. 2007 by Warsong Fury
- Serpentshrine Cavern was first cleared on May 28. 2007 by Warsong Fury
- Tempest Keep was first cleared on June 18. 2007 by Warsong Fury
- Battle for Mount Hyjal was first cleared on July 25. 2007 by Warsong Fury
- The Black Temple was first cleared on August 27. 2007 by Warsong Fury
So far, all Burning Crusade First Server Kills belongs to Warsong Fury
Wrath of the Lich King[]
- Ulduar (Tier 8) was first cleared on September 15. 2009 by
Warsong Fury
- Naxxramas was first cleared on November 22. 2009 by
Warsong Fury
- Blackwing Descent (Tier 11) 10 Man was first cleared on May 9. 2011 by
- Blackwing Descent (Tier 11) 25 Man was first cleared on May 9. 2011 by
- Bastion of Twilight (Tier 11) 10 Man was first cleared on May 26. 2011 by
- Bastion of Twilight (Tier 11) 25 Man was first cleared on June 13. 2011 by
- Throne of the Four Winds(Tier 11) 10 Man was first cleared on May 10. 2011 by
Chaotic Nation
- Throne of the Four Winds(Tier 11) 25 Man was first cleared on July 12. 2011 by
- Firelands (Tier 12) 10 Man was first cleared on October 9. 2011 by
Bloody Tearz
- Firelands (Tier 12) 25 Man was first cleared on November 21. 2011 by
- Dragon Soul (Tier 13) 10 Man was first cleared on February 15. 2012 by
- Dragon Soul (Tier 13) 25 Man was first cleared on February 21. 2012 by
Mists of Pandaria[]
- Mogu'shan Vaults (Tier 14) 10 Man was first cleared on November 17. 2013 by
Cool Story Bro
- Mogu'shan Vaults (Tier 14) 25 Man was first cleared on November 11. 2013 by
- Heart of Fear (Tier 14) 10 Man was first cleared on January 22. 2013 by
Dream Catchers
- Heart of Fear (Tier 14) 25 Man was first cleared on December 19. 2012 by
- Terrace of Endless Spring (Tier 14) 10 Man was first cleared on May 12. 2013 by
Twisted Minds
- Terrace of Endless Spring (Tier 14) 25 Man was first cleared on January 15. 2013 by
Cool Story Bro
- Throne of Thunder (Tier 15) 10 Man was first cleared on June 2. 2013 by
DREAM Trinity
- Throne of Thunder (Tier 15) 25 Man was first cleared on June 3. 2013 by
- Siege of Orgrimmar (Tier 16) 10 Man was first cleared on February 9. 2014 by
- Siege of Orgrimmar (Tier 16) 25 Man was first cleared on December 8. 2013 by
Warlords of Draenor[]
- Highmaul (Tier 17) was first cleared on January 24. 2015 by
Tried Everything
- Blackrock Foundry (Tier 17) was first cleared on March 28. 2015 by
Tried Everything
- Hellfire Citadel (Tier 18) was first cleared on November 8. 2015 by
Gamers Origin
- Emerald Nightmare (Tier 19) was first cleared on October 11. 2016 by
- Trial of Valor (Tier 19) was first cleared on January 10. 2017 by
- The Nighthold (Tier 19) was first cleared on March 8. 2017 by
Heroic Helpers
- Tomb of Sargeras (Tier 20) was first cleared on Septempber 28. 2017 by
- Antorus, the Burning Throne (Tier 21) was first cleared on December 30. 2017 by
Kitten Cannon
Notable guilds[]
- Devilry
- Enjoy
- Memento Mori (GL:Nandof)
- pandémonium
- Phenomen
- Alternative
- Destripando
- Hell Symphony (GL: Krâal)
- Warsong Fury (GL: Géese)
Note : Devilry, Enjoy, Memento Mori and Hell Symphony were added on this page in 2007 but seem to have disappeared from World of Warcraft Armory and WoWProgress.