Please feel free to edit this wiki only to add in Horde Character names on Hyjal who have these patterns.
Please link wow armory of the character as to help with identification.
This will help with finding the correct character player and their current guild as many character names include alt codes.
All Icecrown Citadel patterns are sold for 1 [Primordial Saronite] by Alchemist Finklestein in Light's Hammer in the lower spire of Icecrown Citadel, and requires honored or revered reputation with The Ashen Verdict to purchase or use.
To add character armory links simply copy paste "[ CharacterName]" insert server name and character name where shown. Remember to use a ":" on new lines for indentation purposes. You can also copy paste the url from the wowarmory and then add the brackets[ ] around it. |