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This article is an information page for the Jaedenar realm (server) The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Estimated Active Census[]
Total Characters: 5,953
Total Alliance: 1,520 - 26%
Total Horde: 4,433 - 75%
vs ratio: 1 : 2.9
Note: Statistics above are based on a Warcraft Census accurate as of 10/05/09 and should be considered strictly informational.
More statistics available at Warcraft Census for Jaedenar.
Jaedenar Story[]
Jaedenar has been the victim of many paid character transfers and rerolls to realms such as Underbog and Korgath, so its numbers are dwindling even more than most normal low population server. Jaedenar is unusually slow in PvE, which has resulted in a bored slew of 70's that sit in major cities, PvP, and chat in trade channel. One of the most notable aspects of Jaedenar is it's close sense of community, both in game and on it's forums. Even players who have transferred away from Jaedenar consider the Jaedenar forum to be their WoW forum home.
A view some on the server share is: "Our only hope for our not-so-beloved Jaedenar is to merge with another low-pop server or for other servers to open up free transfers to ours." Others believe that Jaedenar is doomed, while another viewpoint is that Jaedenar is an amazing server and love every day they play on it. To each his own, it seems.
For some reason, this page has always been edited to be very care-bearish and the history of trolling on the Jaedenar server isn't mentioned. I do not see why people seem to want to leave out some of the most exciting gossip, trash talk, and trolling out of the story of our beloved server. From the Women of Jaedenar to Yme, from Vanilla WoW to BC there have been many entertaining threads, much more entertaining that who killed what boss. The human interaction is what makes this game what it is. Though softer people seem to want to leave that out, much to my chagrin. So please, please post links to the troll threads, to the troll pics, and troll away.
With the installment of WotLK Jaedenar hasn't seen much improvement. There aren't any great guilds, nowhere near the top of other servers. A lot of the great trollers have seem to have moved on. The forums are boring and rarely posted on. Although a lot of the baddies have stayed on the server. The community is still somewhat tight knit, but the new people don't seem to have any respect for those who came before them. It is a sad sad direction for this formerly decent server to be moving.
Current Progression[]
Rüin had continued to lead in progression heading into Naxxramas taking [Realm First! Magic Seeker], [Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas], and [Realm First! Obsidian Slayer]. Equilibrium, which started as a regular PUG lead by Hyperion, quickly rose in progression taking the number three spot in progression behind Occult. Legacy died going into WotLK and many members formed AbsoIution. When the #2 guild from Lightning's Blade, Atrocity, came to Jaedenar during Ulduar to found Strife they were much misaligned on the server. There was a big race to kill Yogg-Saron and eventually Strife won out for top of progression. Strife took [Realm First! Celestial Defender] and after completing [Realm First! Grand Crusader] (they are still the only guild to kill Heroic Anub'arak) they came back to complete [Realm First! Death's Demise]. After completing 4/5 in ToGC, GM of Equilibrium, Hyperion suffered a personal in-game issue that tore apart the guild forcing most members to go to Strife. [1] Also during ToGC a #2 guild from Haomarush transfered, OP, to become Apotheosis. Unlike Strife however, they came from a lower state of progression and hoped to pick up many of the leftover Equilibrium players and take their spot in progression. Both Ruin and Apotheosis suffered declining membership and merged to create a shortlived guild named Warpath. At the end of WotLK progression the only notable Horde PVE progression guilds are Strife and Order of Orgrimmar.
Burning Crusade[]
As it stands, official tracking of the Burning Crusade Progression has ended. Tracking was closed on October 14th, 2008.
Top standings as of the closing date are listed below.
- All of Karazhan is considered one "boss".
- All other instance boss encounters are counted per encounter.
- World bosses count as one.
(For a more detailed boss listing, as well as a larger list of guild progression, refer to progression thread linked above.)
The list below should only be viewed for antiquity's sake.
Alliance guilds[]
1. Morte Diventa - 36/42 bosses downed
2. Nubstars - 28/42 bosses downed
3. Saints - 23/42 bosses downed
Horde guilds[]
1. Rüin - 40/42 bosses downed
2. Legacy - 36/42 bosses downed
3. Allegiance - 27/42 bosses downed