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This article is an information page for the Khaz'goroth realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Khaz'goroth (PvE Server)[]

Khaz'goroth is one of the first two oceanic time-zone servers created by Blizzard. The servers, while located in the US, have their in-game clock set to GMT+10 (Australian East Coast Time). The purpose of the altered time-zone was to assist players in the region who traditionally have had problems finding guilds that do end game raids in hours suitable to evening play. It is grouped under the 'Oceanic' tab of the server listings. Despite this, Oceanic players still face the same problems as they do playing on an American server - maintenence during peak hours (8PM Sydney time), lag, and pings well over 300ms.

Both Khaz'goroth and Frostmourne (PvP Oceanic Server) went live on the 8th November 2005. Some controversy was caused by the way Blizzard rolled out the servers – Blizzard’s software directed new users from North America to create characters on the server. As a result, Khaz'Goroth has several guilds dedicated to US/Canadian time-zone players as well as Oceanic guilds. The positive side of this is that the server is busy at all times of the day (as well as the cross cultural benefits of getting to know citizens of the world).


The server is named after Khaz'goroth, one of the Titans that came to Azeroth and ordered the world. Khaz'goroth was the Titan shaper and forger of the world. Before leaving Azeroth, he crafted the mountains of Khaz Modan (in Dwarvern, it means 'mountains of Khaz'), and gave power to the Black Dragon Aspect, Neltharion, later Deathwing. An in game reference to the Titan can be found in the instance Uldaman - Uldaman was sealed by the Titans and locked away their failed Trogg creations.

Estimated Population[]

Total: 26,621 characters
Total Alliance: 16,649 characters (63%)
Total Horde: 9,972 characters (38%)
Alliance vs Horde Ratio: 1.7:1
Alliance vs Horde Activity ratio: 1.2:1
Most Popular Race:
Alliance: Human (5,830 - 22%)
Horde: Blood Elf (3,689 - 19%)
Most Popular Class: Death Knight (3,924 - 15%)
Note: Statistics above are based on a Warcraft Census as reported 11 July, 2009 and should be considered indicative only.

More statistics available at Warcraft Census for Khaz'Goroth.

Server Firsts(Lich King 10-man)[]

Information is taken from the Khaz'goroth 10 man progression thread here.


  • Horde Khazuals 18/11/08
  • Alliance Reliance 22/11/08

Obsidian Sanctum -

  • Horde Khazuals 17/11/08
  • Alliance Reliance 22/11/08

Obsidian Sanctum 3D

  • Horde Khazuals 13/01/09
  • Alliance Reliance 19/01/09

Eye of Eternity

  • Horde Khazuals 22/11/08
  • Alliance Reliance 06/12/08


  • Horde Khazuals 17/08/09
  • Alliance Reliance 24/09/09

Ulduar Heroic

  • Horde Khazuals 30/08/09

Trial of the Crusader

  • Horde Khazuals 02/09/09
  • Alliance Specialist 02/09/09

Trial of the Crusader Heroic

  • Horde Khazuals 02/09/09
  • Alliance Fate 15/09/09

Server Firsts (Lich King 25-man)[]

Information is taken from the 25-man progression thread here.


  • HordeKhazuals 23/11/08
  • Alliance Reliance 30/11/08

Obsidian Sanctum

  • Horde Khazuals 20/11/08
  • Alliance Reliance 23/11/08

Obsidian Sanctum 3D

  • Horde Khazuals 11/12/08
  • Alliance Reliance 10/01/09

Eye of Eternity

  • Horde Khazuals 24/11/08
  • Alliance Fate 11/12/08


  • Horde Khazuals 09/09/09

Ulduar Heroic

  • Horde Khazuals 03/12/09

Crusaders' Coliseum

  • Alliance Ka Pai 02/09/09
  • Horde ClanDropBears 02/09/09

Crusaders' Coliseum Heroic

  • Horde Khazuals 02/11/09

Guild Progression (BC)[]

According to the Khaz'Goroth Forum Community's Guild Progression Thread

Server Position Guild (Faction) - Latest Boss killed

1st Khazuals Horde - Kil'Jaeden

2nd Conviction Horde - Kil'Jaeden

3rd Dawn Alliance - Brutallus

4th RoE Horde - Brutallus

5th Stasis Horde - Kalecgos

6th Conquer Alliance - Kalecgos

7th Bizarro Horde - Illidan Stormrage

8th ClanDropBears Horde - Illidan Stormrage

9th Reliance Alliance - Illidan Stormrage

Guild Progression (Classic)[]

This is the progress of some of the guilds on Khaz'goroth. It may not be current, check the individual guild's websites for more information. Cleared indicates the instance is on farm (including optional bosses) otherwise the last boss successfully down is shown.

Server Firsts[]

Hakkar Time
Ossirian Served/Loot Train (Transferred to Duskwood and broke up)
Ragnaros Time
Nefarian Time
C'thun Time
Spider Wing Time
Abomination Wing Time
Plague Wing Time
Deathknight Wing
Onyxia Time
Azuregos Time
Kazzak Time
Taerar Time
Emeriss Time
Lethon Eternity (transferred to Dath'Remar)
Ysondre Time

Alliance Crest Alliance[]

Zul'Gurub Molten Core Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20) Blackwing Lair Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) Naxxramas Other Bosses
Onyxia Azuregos Kazzak Ysondre Emeriss Lethon Taerar
Time Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared 12/15
Thaddius / Maexxna / Loatheb / Gothik
ReBørn Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Twin Emperors / Three Bugs 10/15
Thaddius / Maexxna / Heigan / Razuvious
Deus Conclave Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Twin Emperors / Three Bugs 2/15
Instructor Razuvious / Anub'Rekhan
Requiem Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Twin Emperors 1/15
Instructor Razuvious
Inferus Crux Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Princess Huhuran Y Y
The Foreign Legion Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Princess Huhuran Y
Trànsfereé Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Fankriss the Unyielding 1/15
Instructor Razuvious
Molotov Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Skeram Y
Praetorian Legion Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Y
Blackwing Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Y
Zenith Cleared Cleared Cleared Broodlord Y
Conquer Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Prophet Skeram Cleared
Fey Mercurial Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Y Y Y Y Epic Bloodlord Cleared Kurinnaxx Razorgore Y
Shadow Command Cleared Majordomo Rajaxx / Buru / Moam Y
Sirian Cleared Cleared Rajaxx / Buru Y
Guardians of Light Cleared Cleared Cleared Y Y Y
Horizon Hakkar Sulfuron Kurinnaxx Y
Coalesce Bloodlord Sulfuron Kurinnaxx Y
Southern Star Elites Bloodlord Gehennas Rajaxx
Bandidos Cleared Cleared Moam Owned
The Stolen Fayth Mar'li Lucifron Kurinnaxx
NGF Cleared
Spirit Warriors Mar'li/Jeklik/Venoxis Lucifron Kurinnaxx  ;
Adept Mar'li/Jeklik/Venoxis Kurinnaxx

Horde Crest Horde[]

Zul'Gurub Molten Core Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20) Blackwing Lair Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) Naxxramas Other Bosses
Onyxia Azuregos Kazzak Ysondre Emeriss Lethon Taerar
Conviction Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Twin_Emperors / Three Bugs Instructor_Razuvious / Anub'Rekhan / Grand_Widow_Faerlina / Maexxna / Noth Y Y Y Y
Guild Serenity Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Twin_Emperors / Three Bugs Instructor_Razuvious / Anub'Rekhan / Grand_Widow_Faerlina / Maexxna / Noth Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
RoE Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Princess Huhuran Y Y Y
Bizzaro Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Battleguard_Sartura Y Y
Cold Blood Cleared Cleared Cleared Chromaggus Y Y Y
Juggernaut Cleared Cleared Cleared Chromaggus Y
Claw Ironclaw Cleared Cleared Cleared Flamegor Y
Dark Blood Cleared Cleared Cleared Vael Y
Bäne Thekal Cleared Rajaxx / Buru / Moam / Ayamiss Y
Fate Cleared Cleared Ayamiss Firemaw Y
Knights Of Dark Renown Cleared Cleared Moam Y
Flat Roos Cleared Cleared Cleared Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Y
Redback Cleared Majordomo Rajaxx / Buru / Moam Y
Ultimate Arlokk Golemagg Rajaxx / Buru / Moam Y
BlacknWhite Mar'li Golemagg Rajaxx ;
You Got Aggro Cleared Cleared Rajaxx / Buru / Moam / Ayamiss Y
Thralls Vanguard Bloodlord Lucifron Rajaxx/ Buru / Moam
Bloodsoaked Bloodlord Rajaxx/ Buru / Moam
Mortal Wombats Bloodlord Kurinnaxx Y
Blood Of The Horde Bloodlord Kurinnaxx
Death and Rebirth Bloodlord Lucifron Kurinnaxx


Most guild listings are taken from this forum thread here. Thread has not been updated since July, these listings may be out of date.

AllianceAlliance Crest[]

HordeHorde Crest[]
