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This article is an information page for the Khaz Modan realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

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PvEKhaz Modan

"Khaz Modan" in WoW Lore[]

Khaz Modan is the mountainous kingdom of the Ironforge Clan, ruled by the Bronzebeard Clan, founded after the awakened dwarves ventured out from the ancient city of Uldaman. Named the "Mountain or Mountains of Khaz" after the Titan shaper Khaz'goroth, thought to be the creator of the dwarven race. The kingdom is ruled from the great underground city of Ironforge. Khaz Modan is also the name of the continent in which the kingdom is located, comprised of Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, the Wetlands, and the Badlands. The mountains here are also called the Khaz Mountains.

General Information[]

Khaz Modan is a World of Warcraft US PvE Realm located in the Central Standard Time zone. The server went live in January, 2006. As of December 2009, its population includes 20,446 active characters above level ten (9888 of level 80), with a faction ratio of roughly 2.7:1 (Alliance: Horde).

Khaz Modan is still young compared to other servers in the matter of content progression and player base, but it has a close community and welcoming player environment. The majority of the realm's end-game guilds are hybrid guilds that promote both social interaction and raid progress.

Official Realm Forum: WoW Forums: Khaz Modan

Population and Activity[]

Most active guild: Green Mt Majick CoAlliance

Most active Alliance guilds by level value:

  • 1. Green Mt Majick Co
  • 2. Veni Vidi Vici
  • 3. Serendipity
  • 4. Casual Gamers

Most active Horde guilds by level value:

  • 1. War Dawgs
  • 2. Freelance Mercenaries
  • 3. Tempting Fate

December, 2009

  • Total characters: 20,446
    • Alliance 14,855 (73%)
    • Horde 5,591 (27%)
      • Alliance vs Horde Ratio: 2.7:1
      • Alliance vs Horde Activity Ratio: 2.4:1

November, 2008

  • Total characters: 18,469
    • Alliance 12,435 (67%)
    • Horde 6,034 (33%)
      • Alliance vs Horde Ratio: 2.1:1
      • Alliance vs Horde Activity Ratio: 2.2:1

October, 2007

  • Total characters: 17,000
    • Alliance 10,800 (64%)
    • Horde 6,200 (36%)
      • Alliance vs Horde Ratio: 1.7:1
      • Alliance vs Horde Activity Ratio: 2.4:1

Source:Warcraft Census for Khaz Modan, accurate as of the December 30, 2009, but should be considered strictly informational. Please help maintain accurate information by submitting data for this realm! Find out more about how to help here:

Notable Realm Firsts[]

At the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj in 2006, Elmiser <Sunder> served as Scarab Lord.

Kinien <Sunder> was the first character to reach Level 70.

At 2:36AM, November 15th 2008, Wamoura <Fallen Angels> was the first character to reach Level 80.

On December 7th, 2010, Bigßear <Cataclysm> was the first character to reach Level 85.

10-man Obsidian Sanctum - AllianceSunder (11/16/08)

10-man Archavon - AllianceSunder (11/18/08)

25-man Obsidian Sanctum - AllianceSunder (11/19/08)

10-man Naxxramas - AllianceSunder (11/20/08)

25-man Naxxramas - AllianceSunder (11/24/08)

25-man Archavon - AllianceSunder (11/24/08)

10-man Eye of Eternity - AllianceFallen Angels (12/06/08)

25-man Eye of Eternity - AllianceSunder (12/07/08)

25-man The Twilight Zone - AllianceSunder (1/22/09)

10-man The Twilight Zone - AllianceSunder (2/11/09)

10-man Emalon - AllianceCataclysm (4/14/09)

25-man Emalon - AllianceFallen Angels (4/15/09)

10-man Ulduar - HordeRetribution (5/5/09)

25-man Ulduar - AllianceSunder (5/18/09)

10-man Observed - HordeRetribution (7/30/09)

25-man Observed - AllianceSunder (10/15/09)

25-man Alone in the Darkness - AllianceSunder (1/27/10)

10-man Call of the Crusade/Heroic - AllianceCataclysm (9/1/09)/(9/9/09)

25-man Call of the Crusade/Heroic - AllianceCataclysm (9/2/09)/(12/15/09)

25-man Tribute to Insanity - AllianceCataclysm (1/12/10)

10-man Icecrown Citadel/Heroic - AllianceSunder (2/14/10)/AllianceCataclysm (10/15/10)

25-man Icecrown Citadel/Heroic AllianceSunder (3/8/10)/HordeRetribution (1/21/11, Level 85)

10-man Ruby Sanctum/Heroic - AllianceCataclysm (6/30/10)/(10/21/10)

25-man Ruby Sanctum - AllianceCataclysm (6/30/10)

10-man Throne of the Four Winds/Heroic - AllianceConvergence (1/2/11)/(9/12/11)

25-man Throne of the Four Winds - HordeRetribution(2/9/11)

10-man Bastion of Twilight/Heroic - AllianceCataclysm (1/2/11)/AllianceConvergence(9/12/11)

25-man Bastion of Twilight - HordeRetribution (1/25/11)

10-man Blackwing Descent/Heroic - AllianceCataclysm (1/19/11)/AllianceConvergence (8/22/11)

25-man Blackwing Descent - AllianceCataclysm (2/17/11)

10-man Firelands/Heroic - AllianceConvergence (7/3/11)/AllianceSunder (12/12/11)

25-man Firelands - AllianceCataclysm (8/18/11)

10-man Dragon Soul - AllianceConvergence (11/30/11)

25-man Dragon Soul - AllianceCataclysm (12/8/11)

      10-man Heroic Dragon Soul - AllianceSunder (3/19/12)

Khaz Modan Raid Progression[]

As of August 2012, the top progression guilds according to GuildProgress are:

  • 1. AllianceSunder
  • 2. AllianceCataclysm
  • 3. AllianceThe Angrydome

Sites for Tracking KM Raid Progression[]

Pre-TBC Raid History[]

A small number of guilds transfered to Khaz Modan when the realm went live, including Sunder, Vision, Prestige, DarkSin, Skunk Canyon Brigade, and the founders of the guilds Scoundrels and Minions Inc. Before the expansion The Burning Crusade was released in January, 2007, these guilds led Khaz Modan raid progression.

Having already cleared Blackwing Lair, the Alliance guild Sunder stood as the furthest progressing guild in Player vs Environment content, getting many "server firsts" by default. They continue to be the top guild on Khaz Modan, having been the first to down many bosses in content released since their transfer.

Sunder continued to lead the pack in instance progression, having downed C'thun in AQ40 on December 3, 2006, and cleared the Spider Wing of Naxxramas. A significant number of other Alliance guilds have also completed the content of MC, BWL, and Onyxia.

Scoundrels lead the Horde in PvE content and were working on downing C'Thun and progressing in Naxxramas. Retribution followed close behind, with Onyxia, MC, and BWL completed.

Legendaries on Khaz Modan[]

Inv sword 39 [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] is wielded on the Alliance side by Gunnarr <Sunder>, Sel <Sunder>, Slaman <Sunder>, Leahcim <Sunder>, Hadar <Sunder>, Cathak <Sunder>, Katay <Veni Vidi Vici>, Stikman <Cataclysm>, Specialist <Cataclysm>, Igotdied <Cataclysm>, Shaitan <Furtherance>, Archemedusk <Prestige>, Mjollner <Prestige>, Diablò <Classic Raider>, Fenz <The Angrydome>, Angeldin <Veritas>, and Spyros <Veritas>. Thunderfury is wielded on the Horde side by Hellhawk <Eternity of Pain>, Anagarik <Void if Removed>, and Guineapig <War Dawgs>.

Inv hammer unique sulfuras [Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros] is owned on the Horde side by Astayld <Blind Fate>, Primaos <Tempting Fate>, Initiator <Soulfire>, and Zumii. Sulfuras is wielded on the Alliance side by Doff <Sunder>, Hadar <Sunder>, Slaman <Sunder>, Taurenpriest, Rodomir <Prestige>, Mjollner <Prestige>, Shalashaska <Vision>, Eresarius <Azeroths Finest>, Rolain <Prophecy>, Bainstoneaxe <Ascension>, Janniace <Lakeshire Country Club>, Rigel, Kromar <The Angrydome>, Specialist <Cataclysm>, Gothicalcomy <Cataclysm>, and Stikman <Cataclysm>.

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian is wielded on the Alliance side by Kinien <Sunder> and Nielosaran.

Inv misc qirajicrystal 05 [Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal] is owned on the Alliance side by Elmiser <Phoenix>.

Warglaives of Azzinoth are wielded on the Alliance side by Niroth <Sunder> (Both), Stikman <Cataclysm> (Both), Archemedusk <Prestige> (Both), Lanette (Main Hand), Shayleigh <Sojourn> (MH), and Ukier <The Angrydome> (MH).

Inv weapon bow 39 [Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury] is wielded on the Alliance side by Stikman <Cataclysm>.

Inv mace 99 [Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings] is wielded on the Alliance side by Ayana <Sunder>, Cattlia <Cataclysm>, Tfi <The Angrydome>, Kylenia <Tranquility>, Galerena <Convergence>, and Tiamo <Prestige>.

Inv axe 113 [Shadowmourne] is wielded on the Alliance side by Dd <Cataclysm>, Syllenaris <Cataclysm>, Bàshin <Cataclysm>, Stikman <Cataclysm>, Gothicalcomy <Cataclysm>, Hadar <Sunder>, Lark <Sunder>, Nathon <Sunder>, Tridantion <Veritas>, Angeldin <Veritas>, and Supernaught <North>.

Stave 2h tarecgosa e 01stagefinal [Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest] is wielded on the Alliance side by Rasxsen <Cataclysm>, Hardrotation <Cataclysm>, Leahcim <Sunder>, Damelon <Sunder>, Tishä <Sunder>, Thorax <Sunder>, Thundersnow <Sunder>, Mischi <Sunder>, Eschelon <Sunder>, Knobtwist <The Angrydome>, and Tfi <The Angrydome>. Dragonwrath is wielded on the Horde side by Linde <Retribution>, Chander <Retribution>, and Seleucus <Retribution>.

Fangs of the Father are wielded on the Alliance side by Nisashi <Cataclysm>, Shyenk <Sunder>, Urielle <Sunder>, Jyle <Sunder>, Tishelle <Sunder>, Grimassasin <The Vanquishers>, Shatragirl <The Vanquishers>, and Missbehaved.

Player vs. Player[]

Player vs. Player combat did not exist at all during the first month of the realm's existence - a player would be lucky to have at least one battleground match a day. Out of frustration the Alliance would lay siege to Orgrimmar or the Crossroads in a attempt to get their PvP fix.

Over time PvP became more frequent in the Khaz Modan community.

Patch 1.12 and PvP[]

Patch 1.12 introduced cross realm battlegrounds. This allowed players from several different realms to come together for battlegrounds and reduced queue times tremendously. Before patch 1.12 it was common to wait for hours to get into a BG, but now queue times are often non-existent or a matter of minutes. Khaz Modan is a member of Battlegroup Vengeance.

Patch 2.0 and PvP[]

On December 5th 2006, server patch 2.0.1 was released and introduced the new honor reward system. This new reward system allows players to accumulate honor points that can be spent like currency to purchase weapons, armor, and various other items beneficial for player-vs-player progression. The rankings no longer exist with this new system. The last players on Khaz Modan to reach Rank 14 were Ixnay (Alliance) and Wanagetdrunc (Horde).

The following players achieved Rank 14 (Grand Marshal) for the Alliance on the Khaz Modan server:

Sdotkilla, Devildwarf (aka Dorfalicious, Kleevage, Shådøwmøürnè, now Dd), Saidas, Lunchlady, Barea, Bru, Nitrowarrior, Nitezstalka, Bowlduster, Lykann, Jomamma (transferred to Blackhand), Aedan, Lightstar (transferred to Illidan), Wickedwonda,

The following players achieved Rank 14 (High Warlord) for the Horde on the Khaz Modan server:

Mizery, Crush, Vvrath, Celestial, Maurana, Touch, Furoc, Quaid, Wanagetdrunc

Please add if you know any information.

Server History[]

Khaz Modan was the name given to Realm Number 86. This realm was created to help alleviate the growing populations of other servers which were becoming increasingly over crowded with log in queue times up to 30 minutes. Blizzard blamed this on the growing population from the 2005 Holiday shopping season. On January 3, 2006, Khaz Modan went live.

Khaz Modan was specifically set up to allow transfers from four well-established realms:

During the first weeks after Khaz Modan went live there was not a lot of community activity. Cities were empty, battles between the Horde and the Alliance in the battlegrounds did not exist. Some were afraid that after they transfered they made a mistake due to the emptiness players felt when exploring Azeroth. However many players also enjoyed the wide open space and lag free major cities.

The population grew slowly but steadily, reaching a record high of nearly 20,000 active characters above level ten by July, 2007.

Server Hardware Retrofit[]

On Tuesday, September 19th, 2006, the server was taken down along with a group of servers for new hardware upgrades. The server was down for 36 hours, and noted results have been lag improvements and smoother game play.

The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj: Patch 1.9 Unleashed[]

Coincidently this Patch went live the same day that the Khaz Modan server went live. During the Opening of the Ahn`Qiraj Gate, the Alliance guild Sunder led both sides in the war effort to get these gates open as soon as possible and was also the guild that rang the gong to open the gates.

On February 28th, 2006, the Gates were opened by Elmiser of Sunder, and Ahn'Qiraj became available to the people of Khaz Modan. Khaz Modan was the 83rd realm to complete the War Effort.

C'Thun, the final boss of AQ40, was first killed by the Alliance guild Sunder on December 3, 2006.
