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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realms: Auchindoun US, Cho'gall US

This article is an information page for the Laughing Skull realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Spell holy vindicationVindication (US) »
PvPLaughing Skull
Latin American servers

Laughing Skull US[]

Guild Listing[]

Official Laughing Skull Server Guild Listing


A listed boss means the guild has KILLED that boss. It is NOT what the guild is currently working on.

The Burning Crusade[]

Guild Serpentshrine Tempest Keep Mount Hyjal Black Temple
Alliance Deus Vox Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Stormrage
Alliance Lethe Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Stormrage
Alliance PALS FOR LIFE Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Stormrage
Alliance The General Public Lady Vashj Kael'thas Rage Winterchill
Alliance Dusk Morogrim Tidewalker High Astromancer Solarian
Alliance Retaliation Morogrim Tidewalker High Astromancer Solarian
Alliance The Ides of March Morogrim Tidewalker Void Reaver
Alliance Spite Morogrim Tidewalker Void Reaver
Alliance Shadowed Legion Leotheras the Blind Void Reaver
Alliance Mystic Blade The Lurker Below Void Reaver
Alliance Light of Adytum Lurker
Alliance Eidolon Void Reaver
Alliance Right Clique Void Reaver
Horde Deviant Lady Vashj Kael'thas Azgalor Teron Gorefiend
Horde Accounting Lady Vashj Kael'thas Rage Winterchill
Horde Disconnected Lady Vashj Solarian Azgalor
Horde Unfadable Lady Vashj Kael'thas
Horde QED Lady Vashj Solarian
Horde End Game Lady Vashj Kael'thas Rage Winterchill
Horde Gimped Lady Vashj Kael'thas
Horde Krunk Karathress Void Reaver
Horde Testament Lurker Void Reaver

WoW Classic[]

Guild Molten Core Blackwing Lair Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Alliance Deus Vox Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Alliance PALS FOR LIFE Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Alliance In Excelsis Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Alliance The General Public Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Alliance Novus Ordo Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Alliance Spite Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Alliance Divine Crusade Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Alliance Light of Adytum Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Alliance The Regulators Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Alliance Shadowed Legion Ragnaros Nefarian Princess Huhuran
Alliance Seeds of Balamb Ragnaros Nefarian Princess Huhuran
Alliance SMC Ragnaros Nefarian Fankriss
Alliance Mystic Blade Ragnaros Nefarian Battleguard Sartura
Alliance Doom Crew Inc. Ragnaros Nefarian Battleguard Sartura
Alliance Sacred Ragnaros Nefarian
Alliance UnDesyred Ragnaros Razorgore
Horde Banana Boyz Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Horde Unfadable Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Horde End Game Ragnaros Nefarian C'Thun
Horde The Expelled Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Horde Evolution Ragnaros Nefarian Twin Emperors
Horde Testament Ragnaros Nefarion Twin Emperors
Horde Sinners Among Saints Ragnaros Nefarian Princess Huhuran
Horde Ex Imperiis Ragnaros Nefarian Fankriss
Horde The Foot Ragnaros Nefarian Fankriss
Horde Dark Academy Ragnaros Nefarian Prophet Skeram
Horde Legion of the Horde Ragnaros Chromaggus Prophet Skeram


Latest boss killed by each guild in each instance.

Guild Spider Wing Deathknight Wing Necro Wing Abomination Wing Frostwyrm Lair
Alliance Deus Vox Maexxna The Four Horsemen Loatheb Thaddius Kel'Thuzad
Alliance In Excelsis Maexxna Gothik Loatheb Thaddius
Alliance PALS FOR LIFE Maexxna Instructor Razuvious Heigan the Unclean Thaddius
Alliance The General Public Maexxna Instructor Razuvious Noth Gluth
AllianceLight of Adytum Maexxna Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Novus Ordo Anub'Rekhan Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Shadowed Legion Anub'Rekhan Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Divine Crusade Anub'Rekhan Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Spite Instructor Razuvious
Horde Unfadable Maexxna Instructor Razuvious Loatheb Thaddius
Horde Banana Boyz Maexxna Instructor Razuvious Heigan the Unclean Thaddius
Horde The Expelled Maexxna Instructor Razuvious Noth Grobbulus
Horde End Game Maexxna Instructor Razuvious Noth
Horde Testament Grand Widow Faerlina Instructor Razuvious
Horde Evolution Grand Widow Faerlina Instructor Razuvious
Horde Sinners Among Saints Instructor Razuvious


Inv hammer unique sulfuras [Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros][]

Player Name Guild Acquired Player Name Guild Acquired
Alliance Imladrick In Excelesis Horde Energy Banana Boyz
Alliance Furiana In Excelesis Horde Chooka Banana Boyz
Alliance Hiro In Excelesis Horde Pappas Banana Boyz
Alliance Swiller In Excelesis Horde Eugoogalizer Unfadable
Alliance Zanon Pals for Life Horde Dragorin Unfadable
Alliance Randil Pals for Life Horde Hatok The Expelled
Alliance Solder Imperium Horde Dremi Sinners Among Saints
Alliance Norren Xploit Horde Sargerk Testament
Alliance Diskordia Deus Vox Horde Iwontbite Testament
Alliance Chavo Deus Vox Horde Desolation Exitus Acta Probat
Alliance Kotan Deus Vox Horde Dumbcow Legion of the Horde
Alliance Dayrlan Deus Vox Horde Szasstam Legion of the Horde
Alliance Hadies The Regulators
Alliance Sonoco Nemesis
Alliance Rzri Seeds of Balamb
Alliance Spesearg Seeds of Balamb
Alliance Slyth VANQUISH
Alliance Roree CATALYST
Alliance Onaoy Doom Crw Inc.
Alliance Poptartx Pressure
Alliance Cupelix Spite
Alliance Darkappa Genesis
Alliance Fortinbras The General Public
Alliance Catylist Sacred

Inv sword 39 [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][]

Player Name Guild Acquired Player Name Guild Acquired
Alliance Crindy In Excelsis Horde Specter Unfadable
Alliance Tocket In Excelsis Horde Armadeous Unfadable
Alliance Lenore In Excelsis Horde Silencedfevr Unfadable
Alliance Zrin In Excelsis Horde Penthercy Ex Imperils
Alliance Ouloph In Excelsis Horde Gooney Evolution
Alliance Diskordia Deus Vox Horde NattyLight Evolution
Alliance Darkbeasty Deus Vox Horde Taur Legion of the Horde
Alliance Foxter Deus Vox Horde Naoto Legion of the Horde
Alliance Dayrlan Deus Vox Horde Skullduggery Legion of the Horde
Alliance Raeghar The Ides of March Horde Tet Sinners Among Saints
Alliance Venkman The Ides of March Horde Borbag The Expelled
Alliance Anfrony Pals for Life Horde Cremeator The Dreaded Axis
Alliance Halcyone Pals for Life Horde Marcel Testament
Alliance Hawthorne The Regulators Horde Thepickles Unknown Soldiers
Alliance Stratonike Novus Ordo Horde Mits Banana Boyz
Alliance Nienor Mystic Blade Horde Mithrak The Dreaded Axis
Alliance Snalydo Xploit
Alliance Killowatt Nemesis
Alliance Angelicnymph Nemesis
Alliance Mockingkrow VANQUISH
Alliance Loruis Shadowed Legion
Alliance Havick Spite
Alliance Culann Sacred

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian[]

Player Name Guild Acquired
Alliance Olgal Deus Vox
Alliance Syrena Deus Vox
Alliance Karis PALS FOR LIFE
Alliance Humage Deus Vox

Media Appearances[]

Guild TV Appearances Trading Card Game cards made in honor of one of their members Magazine Articles
Alliance PALS FOR LIFE Jeopardy! Leeroy Jenkins PC Gamer & CGM